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Having escaped the Marines far behind them, with still no sign of Chopper anywhere and before they could escape, the crew had boarded the ships of the imposter once again, this time all of them. "Chopper! Where are you!? Oi! Chopper, we came to take you back!" Luffy was shouting at the top of his lungs. "If you're there, answer me! Oi, where are you, Chopper!?" He was walking towards the stern still shouting.
"Don't move!" But Guyle had pulled out his sword, ready to attack him. "If you get any closer...!'
"Stop." Stansen had stopped the man, pushing him behind. "Strawhat..." and he feel to his knee before Luffy. "Forgive me! I'm very sorry."
"Oi! Stop it. Why are you kneeling down!?" Though he was being shouted at.
"Be quiet! I apologise for being so rude up until now. I'm sorry for deceiving you. That's all I can say, please forgive us!" He was bowing down shouting but it was hard to tell if he was telling the truth.
"Well, Luna?" Nami turned to the woman, her eyes glowing looking at Stansen.
"He appears to be sincere." She answered her eyes back to normal after blinking.
"I don't care about such a thing." But the captain had said that, since he really did. "We just came to take Chopper back with us. Right?" Luffy turned to the others and they all agreed since Chopper was one of them.
"How spineless." Sanji stated with a lighting of another cigarette, as he was disappointed along with Franky that was cracking his knuckles.
"I-I understand. We'll help you look for him right away." But there was no need for that
"Luffy!" Because the little reindeer came out from below deck.
"Chopper! What, you were here after all. Well then, hurry up and come back." Luffy was pleased to see him while saying that. However, it seemed that Chopper was a bit hesitant to.
"Wait!" The young boy came running out shouting. "Don't take him back yet! If you take the doctor with you now, I'll mean trouble."
"Who're you...?" Luffy asked confused as the boy was now looking around.
"I won't let you take him away no matter what!" He grabs hold hold of a broom and was using it as a weapon.
"What the...?"
"Jiro!" Chopper called out to stop him, but the boy was charging for Luffy.
"Stop it, Jiro!" Only ti be stopped by Race and Troff.
"Let me go!"
"Don't be rush! You'll get yourself killed!"
"So what!?" Jiro was screaming at them about he wasn't afraid of dying as he wasn't a cowards like the rest of them. "I won't lose! No matter how strong the enemy is, I won't lose again! Let go!"
"Chopper, whats going on here?" As no one seemed to understand what was going on, Luffy had asked as the reindeer was walking;g towards them.
"Luffy.The truth is that I want to stay on the ship a little longer. There's a patient with a grave injury here. I manage to stabilise him but he still needs treatment. I beg of you. Until he regains consciousness, let me look after him." He was telling his captain who had no problem with that. So the others had headed back for the Sunny as both Luffy and Chopper stayed on the other ship. All but two had headed to bed due to all the craziness, but when the time came for the sun to raised.
"Everyone!" Their attention had been pulled outside of their dream where they could hear Nami calling out to them. Where had the five of them get out to join her and Sanji that had been outside. It was there they were completely surrounded by icebergs from all side and Nami had explained that they moving around on their own.
"The icebergs moved?!" Usopp didn't seem to understand.
"Are you morons? It's only natural for icebergs to move. Water moves!" Zoro pointed it out like it was fact, which it was.
"Perhaps that's not quite what they meant." Robin had stated to them, since Nami wouldn't say something like that without reason. The guys looked to her a bit confused and Usopp had after sneezing.
"Right." They turned back to Nami that spoke. "They aren't moving because of the currents." With Sanji looking smug behind her nodding his head. "They're moving of their own accord!"
"Of their own accord?" Usopp seemed completely sceptical.
"Hey, I don't give us this crap first thing in the morning!" Franky had told her since it was one thing at night.
"Watch and see!" Nami snapped at them and turned to Sanji leaving it to him, where he had gone to the helm and turned it left where the ship began to move as the others had gathered just behind Sunny's head, so they could see ahead of them. As the ship was turned left, out of nowhere an icebergs had appeared blocking their path. Which had proved what Nami was saying was right and the icebergs were moving on their own, and it was surprising to all seeing this. Then the ship began turning right and more icebergs appeared blocking the path.
"For chucks of ice, they're bossy punks!" Franky had been right about that and with a large chunk of ice in their way Zoro had taken upon himself to slice right throw it to not just so they could continue
"It's just a mass of ice." But to see what was ceasing them to move on their own, but as he stood on one half of the ice, it could be seen that nothing was up with it.
"But it definitely moved to block our path..." Usopp was stating while coming down for the head after the others.
"The iceberg itself seems normal enough." Robin was stating.
"There were also those Marine ships last time." Nami brought up
"It seems a little to coincidental to be an actual coincidence. There might be something luring us some place." Luna spoke up saying.
"I have no idea who it is, but they've got guts! Let's duck it out!" Franky shouted posing like normal.
"But first we have to figure out who exactly is behind this."
"Why not have Luna read the fakes mind? They might know." Usopp suggested to the others on deck, which had others turning to the woman.
"I refuse." She stated simply to them right away.
"Why not!?" Nami asked her, not quite understanding her refusal.
"Because it's rude." Had been the reason behind it
"Is that all!?" Which seemed to be quite stupid to the others. Excluding Robin.
"No, it's not." But Luna had basically said that was part of the reason and continued explaining the other."Despite what you might believe, there are drawbacks to my abilities as you have seen before." She was referring to the Enies Lobby and Croware where she use telekinesis to move ships of great mass. It had resulted in her eyes, nose and mouth to bleed significantly and a lose of sight Temporarily. "My telepathic ability work in the same function. Use it to much and it causes my head to under go excruciating pain."
"Wow, it seems useful but it also seems like an inconvenient." Franky said after hearing that.
"Yeah, but I can read the surface of all people's mind without issue. However, going deeper is far more complex. And sometimes depending on the subject, one completely break their minds. Which would leave their mental state unstable."
"Break their mind?" Robin didn't seem to completely understand what the meant.
"Well, the mind off living creatures are complex. In some cases people can become aware of me entering their minds causing mental blocks. Some consciously a lot of a lot of them unconsciously. I would have to go around each one of those blocks slowly, because if I went through with complete force it will break the subject completely." Luna explained this to the best of her ability, however, even she didn't understand it completely herself. All she knew is from personal experience.
"So that's out, huh?" But the others seemed to respect that fact and understand why she refused to do so. It was with that said that out of nowhere, from behind the Thousand Sunny a large iceberg had appeared cutting the rope attaching both ships, however, it didn't just stop there. More and more ice pillars were shouting up from the water all of a sudden which had caused large ripples in the water that had the ships rocking wildly.
"What!?" There was a lot of freaking out coming form Usopp.
"Luffy! Chopper!" But the others were looking back at the ship no longer behind them.
"They'll be fine without us!" Nami had told them as even more pillars shot out. "Guys, take care of the ship!"
"You can count on me!" Sanji shouted as his mood completely turned into an obedient love slave as Luna had come to step on Usopp that was rolling around deck crying.
"We're going to swerve around to the right! Hard a-starboard!" Nami had shouted and as she ordered the ship began turning starboard. "Don't move! Turn us around! To the left!" She had then ordered but the sail wood had gotten caught into a large piece of ice, dragging as the ship continued to sail.
"Stop!" Usopp cried out, with his arms wrapped around Luna's leg.
"The icebergs are gathering together." Robin had informed the group as they were moving forward.
"Hey Sanji! Where do you think you're taking us?!" The coward had asked him as if he was the one doing so.
"Damn it! The rudder's not responding." Which was him saying while trying to turn to rudder.
"It might be because of that." Luna was saying completely calmly pointing ahead of them where a pair of whirlpools where up ahead of them. "With the waterway being blocked whirlpools will emerge as a response." She had explained that this was the reason being unable to control the rudder.
"What is with these waters!?" Usopp was still clinging to her leg in pure fear as they were completely surrounded by icebergs from all over. There was no other choice, to escape they had to use the paddle wheel where was far easier to escape with. However, after all the commotion
"How dare you take advantage of the confusion to grab onto Luna!?" Sanji had beat the crap out of Usopp after noticing he was clinging to Luna's leg the entire time.
"Why are you using the paddle wheel?" Franky had come onto deck after noticing the way they were moving.
"Franky, where have you been?" Nami looked to him leaning backwards.
"I was fully charging the cola barrels in the energy room." He explained that there will be a time to use them soon. At least that's what he felt.
"Yes, however, we would need to first discovered whats causing the icebergs to move around. Since there has to be a reason behind it." Luna saying tot eh others, since it only made sense.
"That doesn't mean squat to us!" When Franky said that, it had caused the others to become quite confused. "It'd be a cinch for us to get out of this place!" But when he had said that, everyone began to realise what he meant.
"Oh, yeah!" However, out of nowhere the ship had jerked to the side all due to an iceberg hitting them. It had sent Usopp to the side slamming it with Franky ramming right into him as the women gripped onto the seat behind the helm that Sanji held onto. It wasn't long till their attention was pulled to the large iceberg were people seemed to be skating on towards them.
"We finally found you!" A young man that resembled a hockey player wearing a yellow ascot cap and sports gear said. The hat was placed over his short styled hair. He had a orange shirt and a red tie. The tip of of his hockey stick was red and the taper is yellow. Between the shaft and the taper of the stick is an ornament resembling a spiked collar. Beside him, silently stood a young girl who's outfit was a standard blue coat with fur trimming. She had purple hair with a orange headband that had a strange form skull on it with a pink heart satchel over her shoulders.
"Dearies, not that you've wandered into the Arctic Path, you'll never get to see the open ocean ever again." This time a young woman with the same dark purple hair of the girl had spoke. She resembled a female figure skater and was posed at one leaning backward. Her coat consisted of a red tinted orange color with yellow around the ends of the sleeves and by her chest. She had a red necklace and hoop earrings, also with lipstick. 'Say your prayers!" She had snugged up against a man
"I have to agree!" Who was blonde and looked like a male figure skater with a cowboy theme, with unshaven chine and blue eyeshadow.
"Don't you?Don't you?Don't you?" He was holding onto the woman's hand as if they were some love sick teenagers. "We always see eye-to-eye, don't we?" After twirling around the two had kissed each other.
"Well that was distasteful." Luna had said looking at them, after they all gathered to the rail closest to the weirdos that appeared. Usopp and Franky's jaws had completely dropped as they were speechless.
"That beautiful lady is with such a hideous hair!" But Sanji was trembling do to that fact. "Hey, you there! I challenge you to a duel right here-" But Nami had punched him down to cut him off.
"I'm afraid we don't have time to play with you." She was winking to Franky as she speaking to the skating weirdos, and he walked back towards to the energy room. "It's about time we took our leave."
"You sure are dense! We were just telling you that there is no escape!" The woman was saying because she didn't know. "None at all! In other words, it's impossible!"
"Nice! That expression was nice!" Her partner was telling her.
"Wasn't it? Wasn't it? Wasn't it?" And they once again started doing the same thing. "We always see eye-to-eye, don't we?" After twirling around again the two kissed.
"Do it, Franky!" Nami called out to him since truly was just tasteful.
"Got it!" The cola began to pump which had caused the Sunny to begin shakinga little. "Coupe de..." As air was gathering her at the stern. "... Burst!" Before blasting them off over the iceberg. However, Luna had noticed the girl throw something and a strangely shaped fish shot out from the water.
"A Bird fish?" She saw it flying right for them but soon they came landing into the sea once again.
"At long last, we can finally relax!" Usopp fell onto the grass all relaxed. "The ocean really is great! Blue skies and white clouds! The shining sun and the flapping Jolly..." He had come to a stop looking up at mast that had the crow nest on it where the flag was. "It's gone!" At least where it should be.
"Our Jolly Roger is gone?" All had looked up upon hearing that. Then there was Luna who was looking around the deck.
"Speaking about gone. Has anyone seen the Pirate Hunter since he sliced the iceberg a while ago?"

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