A Thousand Shadows!

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All had looked above Oars where a voice had come from after it was declared to wake Moria up to get the shadows back. However, it appeared that there wasn't a need to do so. "MORIA!" At the Warlord, himself was already awake and removing himself from Oars' cockpit. But he seemed pretty exhausted and was having a hard time breathing.
"If he's awake, then that's good! Now, unless you want to be beaten by the Straw Hats again, then release all of our shadows!" Lola was demanding the shadows be returned to their rightful owners.
"That's right! Release them, you bastard!" Her people were backing up her demand. But they became frighten upon Moria moving to face them.
"Kishishishishi..." He had bursted into laugher. "This isn't just some children's fight... A real pirate doesn't even fear death!" That had been stated with a giant grin across his face. "So, they joined with you, Forest-losers? That explains where Straw Hat got that ridiculous power up! The nerve! Using my own shadow-powers against me!" It seemed that Moria had understood now.
"Shut up! Give us back our shadows!" Lola was screaming at him, still quite terrified.
"Straw Hat! How dare you do wreak such reckless havoc..." But Moria had ignored her and was looking at Luffy. "...All over my 'Thriller Bark' like this!?" And he seemed to be having a hard time taking while needing to catch his breath.
"It's all because you got in the way of our journey! Hurry up and give us back our shadows before sunrise!" The shrunken boy shouted back at him.
"Kishishishishi! Even if you continue your journey, The only thing that awaits you is death! The new world is way out of your league! You might think you've gathered up a decent little crew, but.... You would only lose it all! Do you know why?" It seemed that Moria had lost it, he had a crazy look in his eyes.
"Ah." Everyone hear the voice of someone that had seemed to remembered something just then. "Now that I think about, a bit over 20 years there was this idiot that challenged one of the Four Emperors. And not just any of the four but the one that's considered the most ruthless out of them all."
"Why did you suddenly bring that up?" That could only back asked towards the person that said it, Luna
"Well, it's because that idiot went on becoming a member of the Seven Warlords and is considered to be the weakest of them all." Who stated that straight after the question and it seemed that Zoro was beginning to understand who it was that she spoke of.
"How dare you!!" Which was none other then Moria, that had become embroiled in anger.
"Hey! There's no time to stand around and chat! Look at how bright the sky is! Hurry up and retrieve our shadows! WE'RE OUT OF TIME!" But it wasn't the time for this as the world began to become brighter.
"But I guess what you said is correct. I speak out of experience!" Although, it seemed that Moria had calmed down a bit from his anger, but still had a crazy look on his face. "My subordinates were known far and wide, so why did I lose them all?!" This only sounded like the ramblings of a poor broken man. "I lost my crew because they were all alive! If they'd have been zombies from the start, I wouldn't have lost them!" Or maybe he was just crazy, as vines made of shadows came shooting out from his feet and heading out in all directions. "As the master of this immortal army, I will once again aim for the King of the Pirates! You should be glad that you're shadows get to be my tools!" The shadows had gone past the Pirates that had gathered together and bending to the forest or mansion, but it did cause a lot of panic. "Now, all shadows of Thriller Bark... become my power!" Moria's eyes began to glow. "Shadow's Asgard!" Something had began to happen, as the vines were being inflated like water, and handing towards Moria.
"Ah, the shadows are... No way!" The Warlord was absorbing the shadows of the zombies into his body. "He's gathering all the shadows from the islands, and putting them into his own body!" Nami just couldn't believe that he was pretty much doing the same thing as Luffy had done.
"Straw Hat! You took in about one hundred shadows, didn't you!?" This had been asked by Moria, as his body was beginning to change before everyone's eyes. "Then I shale absorb one hundred... two hundred... three hundred... four hundred... five hundred..." the more shadows he absorb the darker and deeper his voice was coming. "Six hundred... seven hundred...eight hundred..." even his form was changing a lot and seeing this was causing those watching to have cold sweat running down themselves. "Nine hundred..." and then finally... "Kishishishishi! One thousand!"
"1000..." Nami seemed unable to understand
"...shadows..." as Chopper was shocked looking.
"...inside Moria..." Usopp was almost speechless
"What a guy..." Franky still couldn't believe,
"You're kidding." No one would believe it as they were freaking,
"It's over... what the hell is that...?" And other were giving up hope, and then
"He just looks revolting." There was that came flying out of Luna's mouth while they looked up at the new form of Moria. His size had increased due to the amount of shadows he has absorbed and was just a big as Oars. Moria's neck bloated to extreme proportions, similar to how a gecko puffs up its throat when threatened. His horns also became longer, and his hair became spiky. His arms became very huge. while his legs became longer compared to their original stubby appearance as his skin was all green like.
"I'm back to normal." Although, there was someone else that didn't seem all that frighten at the sight of Moria, as he was back to his normal size.
"Morning's almost here!"
"There's no time!" And there seemed to be more to worry about as the sun was getting higher.
"He's stronger than both Shadow-infused Straw Hat and Oars put together! And just how's he able to hold that tenfold power in that body of his?"
"So we can't beat him even with Ability Users on our side?!"
"I-It's all over!"
"What's da point!? There's nine whatsoever!" The Pirates were giving up one by one. At least those from Rolling crew. Zoro and Luna looked up at Moria without hint of fear or despair.
"Straw Hat's shadow's in there, too..." Franky state as that was bad enough.
"Yeah." And Robin understand what he meant by that.
"Our shadows too, most likely." Sanji added onto that.
"So everything's..." Usopp was swallowing hard looking up.
"Inside his stomach...?" While Chopper finished.
"Looks like it." Nami had just as much cold sweat rolling down her face as the others. It was then when Moria bursted into a roar.
"Run! It's all over!" The Rolling Pirates had all turned tails and took off running, trying to flee.
"Oi, Oi, Oi, Oi!" Usopp shouted as things were beginning to fall apart. Although, Moria roars again with his right arm pulled back before slamming down onto the ground, which had caused the ground to crack along with the buildings still standing.
"He broke da islan'!" Which caused the fleeing pirates to panic even more then before.
"We can't stay here anymore!" The tower was beginning to slide apart. "Run! Get away from Moria!"
"This time it's really over!" More of the Pirates took off running and as they try to, the sunlight begins to peak out to burn some of the pirates who don't have their shadows.
"Burn! My body's gonna disappear!!" Some of them screamed as only a part of them had been hit. "Ah, save me!!"
"You idiot! Hurry up and get inta' the shadows! Mornin' is comin'!" They had been shouted out by their fellow crewmen.
"Those that fit their shadows taken can't fight no more!" Which were pretty much everyone.
"Captain Lola!" The Ricky brothers seemed to have noticed their captain not moving and just standing tall.
"Captain Lola! What the hell're ya doin'?! Hurry it up!" The skinny of the two shouted at her.
"You guys can run if you want." She had spoken, not looking back but forwards.
"The hell ya sayin'!? You're in the same boat, Captain!" But they couldn't understand why it was that she refused to move as her shadow had also been taken.
"I have to take responsibility. For this resolve of mine." That had been said while turning to her men. "Take a look at them." She was pointing in front of her, where she could see how the Straw Hats won't flee in terror of Moria's power.
"Those guys...!" The men were shocked to see them just standing there, looking up at the overpowering Warlord before them.
"They show no fear." Only because hey couldn't see Usopp's frozen expression. "Even though some of them had their shadows taken."
"So they're still standin' 'gainst 'im!?"
"But it's all over once that sun hits 'em. Right now Moria's powah's far greater that Oars'!" They couldn't seem to understand why that was.
"Until the second they throw the match, I won't move from this spot. I was well aware something like this might happen the moment I place my hopes on them. I don't regret my decision!" Lola hoped the Straw Hats can at least have a fighting chance just as the sunlight hits her but Lola shrugs it off putting her faith in Luffy.
"But with things like they are...!"
"You guys run on ahead! As your captain, it's my duty to see this through!" She didn't waver looking back to Luffy and that before her. "You guys should treasure your lives." But upon saying that, the sun had hit the top left corner of her face which had began to burn.
"Captain Lola!"
"Oh crap! Da light's hit ya! Hurry on ova here in da shadows!" And seeing this had caused the Ricky Brothers shout at her.
"It's fine!" And yet despite being in pain, she still refused. "This is what they call having a conviction!"
"Captain Lola!"
"No way! You tryin' ta die here?!" None of her men could believe this.
"I've already decided on my fate! I don't care how I fall! I won't ever leave the light again." This had been all thanks the the Straw Hats determination to continue fighting despite all odds.
"So we're finally reached the boss. And he's a big one, too." Zoro was stating, since if they beat Moria they win.
"He ignored his pride and decided to act in his anger." Robin noted this as it made the Warlord lose control.
"No different then a wild beast." Which hadn't been far from the truth, as Luna spoke it.
"Oi, guys." Luffy was standing at the front of them all. "There's no time left. I'm gonna get a bit reckless, so please take care of me afterwards."
"Alright! Leave it to me!" Franky had no problems with it.
"Beat him down!" That was shouted by Usopp.
"Oi you guys, are ya even sane?!" The crew were being asked from behind them. "No way ya can win! Dat monster has the powah of more than 1000 people!"
"That's right! Think before you act! That's yer shadows in there too... Powerin' up that monster, y'know!? We got no time left!" The crew was being shouted at again and again.
"Shut it unless you're helping out!" Zoro ended up glaring over the shoulders at them. "We've already win this battle against Moria, anyway." Before turning back to look up at the monster saying that. But the other Pirates didn't understand what he meant by that. "All that's left now is a fight against time. Moria's just trying to buy some with that power of his." And the finally race towards the clock began.
"Second Gear!"

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