The Sudden Arrivals!

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Robin and Franky, having lost sight of Sanji, then Zoro and finally Luffy, who had been string across in a coffin in the building that was on the other side of the large bridge they were standing on. That also happened to have a spider-monkey-like zombie blocking the way. Not to mention the zombie generals they were trying run away from, standing behind them. "By any chance, did they also... get sucked into that wall like what just happened to Straw Hat?" Franky was thinking of Sanji and Zoro that had disappeared, wondering if they had ended up in the same circumstances that their captain had just been in.
"Monkey, monkey!" The large spider-monkey-like zombie was laughing like an actual monkey. "Yep! You guessed right." It had answered him saying that soon both him and Robin will share the same fate. "Immortal zombies are blocking the paths in front of you and behind you. Now say your prayers!"
"I'm not sure if you're a stupid spider or a stupid monkey, but aren't you responsible for the massive web that got all over Sunny at the entrance to the island?" Franky had payed no attention to what the spider-monkey-like zombie had said. You've been keeping tabs on us; you were out get us from the beginning." The group had come to realise after encountered an old man with serious injuries.
"Yep! Don't underestimate the power of our information network! We know exactly what you were up to thanks to Lady Perona's Ghost Network!"
"Do you large ears also play a part in collecting information?" Robin had asked it since its ears were pretty large even for a monkey. "They Look like they have exceptional hearing." There was a long silence after that had been said.
"Eh? What was that? What did you just say?" But it appeared that the spider-monkey-like zombie's ears were nothing but for show.
"Franky..." Robin had called out to the man upon noticing the zombies generals were pretty much right behind them.
"Yeah, I know." But he already knew that. "This situation bites. This is what it means to be 'up against the wall.'" They turned around to the zombies. However, it was then...
"Look out below!" A voice had called out loudly, which had pulled all attention, even the zombies up.
"Is that..."


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"...Luna?!" They could see the woman falling from above.
"Gigantskiy..." Her leg was extended above her head, with blood began surrounded that leg.
"Wait... is she..." Franky had realised what it was that she was doing, but didn't seem to believe.
"It would appear to be the case." But Robin would see what was about to happen.
"Hey, wait! What's she doing!?" The spider-monkey-like zombie was panicking seeing the blood gathering on her foot.
"...Krovopuskatel'!" (Giant Blood Slicer, Russian) She swung her leg, that had crated a large, single scythe-like blade of blood that was heading right down towards the bridge. As a result the entire bridge had began to crumble because of the attack.
"What!? You've demolished the breezeway!" The large zombies couldn't believe the actions that Luna had just done as everything was beginning to cave inwards, having the zombies sliding forwards with the bridge that was falling to rubble below.
"You two seem fine." Luna landed beside the two crew members that seemed quite calm despite the situation.
"You're rather violent." Robin pointed out to the woman, which wasn't that far from the truth. However, the ground below that soon disappeared
"Well, good luck." Luna took this chance to leap to some other rubble above.
"You bitch!" But Franky was falling faster due to his weight. However,
"Cien Fleurs!" (Hundreds Flowers, Spanish) Arms had began from her back, by the shoulder blades, and having them hold each other tightly in a certain way. "Wings!" Robin is able to create two giant makeshift wings made from fifty of her arms per wing.
"What!?" Franky was shocked to see that, as she was coming down towards and grabbed ahold of him. "Dude, you can fly!?" He was asking Robin as she was carrying him while flying to the building across, where Luna had stood waiting.
"Yes... for about five seconds." Robin informed him as she was sweating a bit.
"That's not long!" He wasn't wrong but should be grateful.
"Don't worry, it is long enough." Luna was looking to the pair with blood gathering in her right palm. "Here." Blood had shoot towards them, or more like Franky like a rope and ended up wrapping itself around his arm.
"Sweet! It latched on!" Franky wasn't even the slightest bit creeped out by this. If we can make it to the entrance, will be able to go after Straw Hat!"
"I'm sorry. I can't keep this up..." Robin was being to lose the strength to keep them up, as her wings were slowly disappearing. Luna had gripped onto the blood rope as the two were falling.
"I'll reel it back in." She had told them, and the blood began to pull Franky as it was reeling in Luna's palm again.
"I hope we can make it!" Franky was slightly worried but then had been stepped on by Robin. "What!?" So she could leap up to stand along side Luna, while he rammed right into the wall.
"All of them fell into the courtyard." Robin was looking down at the zombies that fell below.
"Yeah, however, that wouldn't have finished them off. Although they won't be a problem for awhile." Luna was standing along side her also looking below.
"That worked out nicely." The blue eyes woman said looking to the red eyed one.
"Man, You're horrible! How dare you step on me!?" Franky had appeared from below screaming up at Robin.
"Oh, Franky, you're still alive?" Luna was asking him, but
"That's a bad joke!" It was clearly a joke which he didn't find funny at all. "Who do you two think you are!?"
"We can't go back this way." Robin had completely dismissed him while looking at where the bridge once stood. "What have you been doing?" She asked looking to Luna.
"Oh, well...

Luna had completely disappeared and it had a reasonable explanation: the click that had happened as she leaned against the wall hadn't been because of her but by something opening up a passage from behind her, just like the fire place. And it wasn't because of she was abducted by zombies... well she really had been, however, they were all laying on the ground unconscious. As she was clapping and wiping her hands together to get the dust off them. "It seems I had been taken outside." Luna was looking around at the forest behind her and the outside of the mansion before her.
"S-S-She's a monster."
"Master Moria is going to be made." A zombie had spoke
"Idiot!" But another had snapped at him
"Master Moria? Do you mean Gecko Moria?" The zombies had flinched upon a shadow standing over them. "I would like to hear more about this." Luna stood above them before bending down to them. "So unless you morons what to be burned to ash, I suggest you tell me exactly what I want." The zombies began to all sweat looking at Luna's eyes that were glowing.
"NO!!" They were all screaming in pure terror just how Nami, Usopp and Chopper had been doing since stepping foot on the island. They screams echoed to the tree tops causing the bats to fly away.
"So you zombies are commanded by the Mysterious Five which consists of Gecko Moria, Dr. Hogback, the invisible man called Absalom, a ghost girl by the name of Perona and a demon woman called Amman... Amman..." Luna had reappeared the name, as if she knew who that person was but.... "That's impossible." Thought it was someone else. "Anyway, everything you said does explain a few things." And the zombies began to crawl away as she appeared to become deep in thought. They knew that she was too strong for them. "So, tell me...." They had the froze upon Luna speaking in there direction once again. "What would happen..." So time late, as Luna stood in the middle of ash piles. The piles of ashes were the remains of the zombies that she ended burning till there was nothing left. She's gone this far because even if she toured them apart, limb from limb they would just pull themselves back together. The fires that were still going, however, had began to go out due to the sudden rain that began to fall. "Great, it's raining now." Luna had come to become quite annoyed at this, however,  the rain had began to clear away the fog quite a bit. Which had been the reason for why Luna was about to see it quite clearly. "Is that a flag?" She wondered as a pirates Mark could be seen above the mansion. However, it was far too big and as the fog cleared even more, Luna had come to realised... "No, that's a sail..." Now she realised how an island from the west blue end up in the Grand Line, because it was a ship. "A bark, a sailing ship of three or more masts, the rear being rigged for a fore-and-aft rather than a square sail." That was the reason it was called Thriller Bark. Luna had heard rumours about it but she didn't think that it was true that Moria, a member of the Seven War Lords, ship was the biggest in the entire world. "Better off heading for where Gecko Moria is. Those cowards would have been captured with easy if even I got taken. Not to mention the others have probably made it to the mansion by now." Luna took off walking down the dark pathway beside the mansion in the direction that she knew would lead her to the back of it, for where Gecko Moria would be located. And hopefully it was also where Nami had that would be unharmed. Not to mention Luffy and that heading the same way. Luna had actually never entered the mansion after disposing of the zombies that abducted her. She continued heading to the back of the mansion through the forest which was far easier by herself then with a trio of screaming imbeciles running around. That was the last time that she would leave herself with the three of them only. But the point was, she hadn't enter the mansion and was walking underneath the large bridges above when she could hear the voices of Robin and Franky.

"So I decided to jump up, but pushed off harder then I intended." She had completely finished her explanation of the events that transpired before encountering them.
"I forget that your an actual demon." Franky had admitted since she did look human.
"Don't worry, you are not the only one." But she wasn't all that surprised but that was before the woman had noticed something moving.
"What is it?" Which had Franky looking below him where the spider-monkey-like zombie was moving underneath the large piece of rubble. But it wasn't just it but all the other zombies. "Tch! They sure are tough." These zombies were completely different to the ones that Luna had been dealing with up till now.
"Curse you! You'll get your scumballs for this!" The spider-monkey-like zombie had shouted up to them.
"Scumballs? What those?" Luna turned to Robin asking since she didn't understand.
"I think he mean scumbags." She and stated which had made a lot more sense.
"I am a spider! I can climb right back up there! You'd better prepare yourselves!" That was being shouted up to them. However, Luna's attention was pointed somewhere else, and that was to the sky above. Which soon had been where Robin and Franky were looking at well.
"Something's falling?" However, it wasn't that since screaming could be heard.
"It's appears that someone's falling to their death." Luna was saying all nonchalantly but it soon came clear of who it was.
"This bag of bones goes... Ka-bone!"

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