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The group sat quietly as they waited for Hildon to returned, however, ten minutes had passed and he had still not returned. Which was getting strange as they couldn't hear anything by crickets. "How long is he going to keep us waiting?" Nami had finally asked breaking the silence,
"He still isn't back yet..."
"That's strange. We're just going back the way we..." Usopp and stuck his head out of the carriage only scream about now one being there and even the horses were gone. "They abandoned us in a graveyard!" He was screaming which was why Luna had her ears blocked.
"They what!? Why!?" Nami couldn't understand.
"Eh!? They abandoned us!? Sure they aren't going potty?" Chopper was asking scared out of his mind.
"Do you think that would do that in the middle of a graveyard?" Of course, the only one that wasn't freaking out had been Luna.
"Hildon! Hey! Where'd you go!?" Usopp was shouting out side, but he didn't understand that everything about all this had been suspicious from the very beginning. In fact Luna wasn't surprised at all by this, she didn't trust that guy from the beginning. "Of all the places, why'd they have to choose a graveyard?"
"Stop it! Jeez, I'm so scared!" Nami was sweating nonstop shouting at Usopp that he didn't need to remind her where they were.
"What's going to happen to us now?" Chopper was about to start crying once again.
"Calm down..." Luna patted it hat trying to calm her down but then Usopp seemed to habe spotted something in the distance. "What is it?" Which had her asking but she wasn't getting a good feeling about this. And when Usopp began screaming it was right. The others had gathered to look out the carriage where they were and watched as hands started to rise from the earth, which had bodies following after them.
"N-N-No way..." Nami was praying in fear at the sight of them.
"Z-Zombies!" Even Luna couldn't believe what she was seeing. "NO!!" The large mob of Zombies were approaching the carriage. "No!" Which was causing the three cowards to scream with faces of purple.
"You don't see that everyday." Luna was saying but had been grabbed by Nami as they tried to hide in the carriage, however...
"No! That hurts! It hurts!" A zombie grabbed Usopp
"Please help me!" It had dragged him out before Luna was able to grab him.
"Usopp!" She had even shouted slightly panicked as he was gone. She was about to go after him when another zombie had poked its head in, which had been why Nami grabbed onto her wrist to pulled the woman back. Both her and Chopper were screaming their heads off as they we grabbing and hugging Luna. However, the carriage began to tilt to the side as if someone was picking it up.
"The carriage is gonna fall over! They're insanely strong!" Chopper was screaming as the carriage had been turned over, forcing Nami, Chopper and Luna out.
"I've been bit!" Nami had lifted her head hearing Usopp screaming as he was surrounded by Zombies being bitten by them. "Damn it!  He bit me! Now I'm gonna turn into a zombie!"
"Usopp!" She had pushed herself off the ground. "I'm in my way!" She pulled out her Perfect Clima-Tact charging to save Usopp. But then something had gripped onto her leg from underneath, causing her to fall onto her knees as the zombie try to bite her while a platoon of zombies surrounds her. "No, don't bite me! Stop that!"
"Please save me!" Usopp was shouting as more zombies were biting him.
"Let go of Usopp" Chopper run towards Usopp in his Heavy Point. "You bastards!" And helps him by knocks the head of a zombie off. But seeing that he decapitated the zombies with a single punch had shocked the doctor. "I'm sorry!" He screamed upon seeing its head fall to the ground.
"Here, you dropped this." A zombie spoke after throwing the head back.
"Oh, thanks." but it was even more shocking when the zombie put his head back. However, Chopper did end up saving the long nose after beating up the zombies.
"Hey, save me! They're about to bite me!" Nami was screaming
"Nami!" But then when
"Krovavyy..."A tornado of blood had shot over Nami. "...Smerch!" (Blood Tornado, Russian) Which had sent the zombies flowing with the current off their feet away from the girl. "You alright, Nami?"
"Luna!" Nami had shouted as the woman was standing in front of her, but was more leaning in her left leg due to the burns she still had.
"Hurry!" Luna had told the others as she was sending blood scythe-like blades towards the zombies to keep them at bay.
"R-Right!" But Nami seemed to have rolled her ankle which was why Chopper had ran over and picked her and Luna up before running.
"At this point, the mansion is the closest place to run to for safety." Usopp had stated while watching the zombies.
"Yeah, let's go there." Chopper had agreed with him.
"That was scary!" Nami was pretty much whining.
"We'll be okay! They can't catch up! Everyone like mad for the mansion once we are out of the graveyard! Zombies can only walk at a snail's pace and groan at you." But when Usopp had said that it seemed to
"'At a snail's pace'? 'At a snail's pace'? 'At a snail's pace'? 'At a snail's pace'?!" It seemed to have angered the zombies causing them to run after the four at a fast pace.
"They're fast!" Which and caused the others to run even faster. "No! No! No—er, huh? Huh?" But they soon came to a stop upon noticing the zombies stopping.
"Just a sec... time out!" They were completely out of breath.
"It appears they lack stamina." Luna could only say as they were either hunching, sitting or laying around.
"Hurry, Usopp!" Chopper called to the long nose.
"Y-Yeah!" With the zombies down out of breath and gave us for a chance to get away heading towards the mansion.Nami, Usopp, Chopper, and Luna had continued into the forest, eventually arriving at the gate of the mansion. "They... aren't chasing us anymore, are they?" Usopp was looking behind them. "What's with this island?! It's oozing with stuff that shouldn't exist! No offence Luna." He looked to the woman still being carried by Chopper.
"No taken." But she wasn't at all offended.
"Anyway guys, if I turn into a zombie, finish me off in a single blow!" He went on after being bitten by a few zombies.
"Where'd you come up with that?" Nami had asked him since it sounded ridiculous.
"It was in the Illustrated Zombies Guide I read in Sunny's library!" He had informed her, however,
"Don't you think you shouldn't read those types of books since you're such a coward." That wasn't really a question but a statement made by Luna. "And also, those were my books."
"Why do you have so many scary books?" Usopp was asking her, since most of them were about monsters and all that.
"Because I find it amusing how inaccurate they are." She stated this, which did seem like something Luna would do
"'inaccurate?'" But Chopper didn't seem understand
"Yeah, because zombies don't exist." However,
"Then what the hell were those!?" What they saw would beg to differ
"I don't know, but I don't think they're the types of zombies humans are accustom to." Luna was telling them that but it was more a hunch then anything.
"'Human'? Then does that mean there are zombies like creatures among the demons?" Usopp had asked out of curiosity.
"Well... there is a species of demon that are similar to zombies. They are called Ghouls, which are a carnivorous and cannibalistic humanoid species that are only able to feed on the flesh of other humanoid species, such as humans, Fishmen or giants. Like all demons, they are as close to humans as possible along with high physical capability and are four to seven times stronger than the average human: they are able to send the average human flying if struck with enough force, and can penetrate a human's body with their bare hands." The three had become completely pale listening to her. "They are also capable of jumping to heights not achievable by a regular human. Their bodies are extremely resistant to injury. For example, if a ghoul were to be stabbed with a knife, the blade would break instead, suffering a small scratch that heals almost instantly. Once again, like all demons." They grew even paler then before.
"Are you sure those weren't ghouls!?" They were crying asking her.
"Of course not, their not allowed to eat living people." Luna was stating like that was a fact.
"'Not allowed'?" But it wasn't quite understood.
"Just because we're Demons doesn't mean we don't have laws of our own."
"That makes sense." It was then when the four pirates had come to the gates of the mansion. "Well, we're here. Right now, I just want a glass of water!"
"I got to meet him after all. I can't wait!" Chopped was getting all excited.
"You shouldn't be expecting much." Luna had told the little doctor.
"I agree with Luna. I don't think anyone in his right mind would live on this island. I'd bet on it!" Nami was saying which wasn't quite what Luna was thinking but it got the point across. The gates began to open as the group entered them. "Excuse me! Is this Dr. Hogback's mansion?" Nami was calling out to the large, dark, creepy mansion. "We're traveling pira— sailors!" She had corrected herself. "We got lost and could use some help! Please let us stay here! Is anyone here?" But no one was answering no mater how loud she yelled.
"What's with this mansion? A tunnel runs through the center of it!" Usopp pointed out asking which was a bit off for a castle.
"I can see a courtyard on the other side." Chopper said as Luna was getting down from his back.
"Excuse me!" Nami called out again.
"Maybe no one's home." Usopp pointed out to explain the no response.
"That would stink! We'll have to face zombies if we turn back." She was saying to him and then turned to Luna. "Do you think you can find someone?" This had been asked.
"Yeah, it shouldn't be hard." With that being said Luna's eyes began to glow, however, she had an odd expression on her face.
"Is something wrong?" Usopp had been the one to ask her, but it was then when a light turned on in ahead of them.
"Look! A light in the back turned on." And for some reason it was on a well. But with nothing else to do, the group began heading over towards it. Although, Luna was a little slower as she was limping a little.  "Are you okay?" Chopper asked her.
"Yeah, I would say it should heal soon." Luna looked down at her leg where the burns had lighten a lot since they first appeared. If it had been anything else but silver, Luna would have been held right away. But it takes time for the burns caused by silver to heal. It was then when they had all gathered in front of the light and we'll,
"It's not just a light, it's a spotlight for this well." That had been discovered but that only caused the question why. But that had soon been answered as the pulley and rope were moving which caused Nami, Usopp and Chopper to back away scared.
"Wh-What now!?" The navigator was asking when suddenly
"Welcome!" A tall and slim, with short, straight cut blonde hair woman stood there. She was beautiful for some reason had various stitches across her body and pale blue skin. Her eyes appear flat and dull. Her left leg had a web pattern across the inside of her thigh and the number 400 tattooed on her calf. She wore a short black evening gown and black high-heeled boots, with a red-orange fur boa wrapped around her neck. It was seeing her that caused the three cowards to bust into screams. "One, two, three!" The woman began throwing plates that were in her hand
"What!? What gives!?" At Usopp, one by one until he fell on the ground. He didn't understand why she did.
"Four, five!" And she throw two more at him.
"That woman's throwing plates!"
"Six, seven!" She throw two more.
"Doesn't it seem like she's goin' after me!?" Usopp was asking upon noticing.
"That's because she is only throwing them at you." Luna pointed out as she was standing right next to the strange-plate-throwing woman.
"Yes! I cannot invite you into the mansion." The woman had stated looking at Usopp. "Those three may step inside." She pointed to Luna, then Chopper and then Nami.
"Huh? Why?" The three of them had asked not quite understanding her reason.
"You may get lost!" But they didn't get an answer as she was now pointing at Usopp before throwing plate eight and nine.
"That's enough! Hold your hand!" A voice was speaking from behind the pair of large wooden doors.
"What was that?!" Which had caused the group to become on guard.
"I can't take any more scary stuff!" Chopper stated in either a defence or attack pose. The doors then opened out as someone began walking out.
"I think we can make this one exception, Cindry. I'm sorry if she started you guys." The man was walking out from the building while explaining that the woman, Cindry, long ago was engaged to her wealthy master. "To test his love, she broke all of his prize plates. He asked her out, and her tragic past has made her develop an aversion to plates. She's my servant, Cindry!" And the man standing before them, with a round torso, but had very thin arms and legs. His somewhat long nose resembles a beak or knife, and he had notably sharp and long canine teeth and ears. His face had a scar in the shape of a semi-circle that goes above his eyes and connects both corners of his mouth, which is usually grinning widely, and he kept his black hair slicked back. On the left side of his neck was a black tattoo consisting of two slashes connected to two swirls lying side-by-side on his shoulder. While he wore a fishnet vest, purple leather pants, a thick black tie, and a pair of purple gloves, which cover his long, claw-like fingers. He also wore a white surgical mask under his chin, a pair of very small black gold-rimmed sunglasses, a violet feathery cape that was black on the inside, and a pair of purple high-heeled boots.
"Okay, I really don't care." Usopp had said now standing up with a large bump on his head.
And I've failed to introduce myself. I am the world-renowned Dr. Hogback. Also known as a genius!" He seemed a bit arrogant to Luna. But as he was laughing
"Ten!" Cindry had throw the last plate .
"Usopp!" Which and hit the snipper that collapsed to the ground.
Hey, hey, hey! Cindry, I said you could stop! It makes me look bad when you don't listen to me." Dr. Hogback stood in front of the woman saying. But then he had become frighten by an intense aura extending out of the woman.
"I wish plates would disappear from the face of the earth!" That was all she said with completely seriousness.
"I understand! I understand completely!" For the master he seemed completely terrified of his servant. "But I was in the middle of a conversation!"
"Chopper, is he the guy you were talking about?" Usopp wasn't completely sure what to think
"D-Dr. Hogback in the flesh!" But the reindeer didn't seem at all disappointed.
"He doesn't seem too bright." Nami had said
"The only people that go around calling themselves geniuses are idiots." While Luna had flat out insulted him.
"Watch it, Nami! Luna!" They had both been snapped at. At the same time Cindry began climbing up the stairs which lead to the door.
"You may talk inside. Today, I will make an exception. All four of you may enter." She turned around tell the group of pirates. "Come in!" She had entered the mansion.
"R-Right, Right! Come inside my mansion." Dr. Hogback had then told them as well.
"I don't get why I wasn't welcome, but should we take them up on the offer?" Usopp was rubbing his head while asking the other three for their opinions.
"Sure. Beats the zombies outside." Nami was for it.
"True that." As was Luna, and Chopper was all sparkling in excitement as they headed inside with the door closing behind them.
"I'm still... I'm still outside..."

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