Chapter 30: Letting Me In

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I was on the phone with Curtis's French investors, sweet-talking them so he called it. The truth was I'd spent a lot of time helping out in Curt's technology business because he gave me my first job at sixteen, so I didn't really need him on the phone to explain things to me as long as he sent me paperwork explaining what was going on. I knew the material backwards and forwards though so I was really just responding to their questions automatically while I flipped through one of the books Catelyn brought me.

Normally I took these calls in my room but I was feeling a little off today, though I wasn't sure why. So I stayed in our bedroom and didn't bother getting dressed, just slipped on a tank top and underwear but that was it. I turned the page and sat back on my knees. Something looked familiar again. I ran my fingers along the paper around the symbol then moved my finger over to the side where the explanation was. Silencer, it meant.

I felt Rykan's arms come around my waist "It's so sexy when you speak French," he rasped, pulling my hair back and kissing my ear.

I couldn't stop the smile as he placed kissed all down my neck, against my mark, making my heart speed up.

"I'm on the phone," I said, turning my face away from the microphone.

"Well get off the phone then," he countered, sliding his hand up my tank top.

Man, I had zero self-control when it came to my Rykan.

Thankfully, I was almost done with them anyway. I gave the last bit of information and some polite goodbyes before hanging up. He cupped my breast and squeezed, a low growl rumbling in his chest and making me feel weak. What made it worse was his other hand dipping down, his fingertips sliding under my underwear just enough to make me clench.

"You seem tense. Want me to ease some tension for you, angel?" He murmured, his finger nearly rubbing over my nipple.

"Yes," I groaned, leaning back against him. His touch was so addictive.

He chuckled against my neck and placed harder kisses there as he rolled my hardened nipple between his fingers, his other hand sinking fully into my underwear and between my legs, making me whimper. Yeah, he wasn't kidding when he said he knew what he was doing. He circled around my clit until I felt like I was going to explode and then he slid two fingers into me. It reminded me of that first night when we met in our dreams, when he was rough with me. I could use more of that.

"Cum for me, baby," he growled, thrusting his fingers in harder, curling them and hitting a sensitive spot that had me falling apart with a loud moan. "Never get tired of hearing that," he murmured, kissing my neck and slowly sliding his fingers out of me.

"Well good because I'm pretty sure you're turning me into a sex-addict," I panted.

"I like the sound of that," he chuckled. "Stay like this for me," he whispered, nipping at my neck. "It's so fucking hot to see you dressed like this but I need to go train."

"You already trained today," I argued, leaning back against him and reaching back to thread my fingers through his hair.

"I did," he nodded, nuzzling in my neck. "But I had a shitty day and I have a lot of anger to work out before I spend the night with you."

"What's wrong?" I frowned, my eyes fluttering when he placed another kiss against my mark.

"I just had a shitty day, angel," he murmured, giving my breast a final squeeze and kissing my neck one more time before getting off the bed. "Sometimes I just need to work out the anger," he muttered quietly, grabbing the bag he usually took with him to the gym.

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