Chapter 15: A Date

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Les rode with me and Lucas drove her car back. He didn't stay, they said their goodbyes in the parking lot and we went up with the bag I packed. I wasn't up for anything so I just laid on her couch with my head in her lap and she ran her fingers through my hair. It was calming. I appreciated she stayed quiet. It's what I needed.

We watched TV for hours before Les suggested we tell Annie. I wasn't sure how I felt about it. Annie wouldn't stay quiet. But maybe I needed that push. I went to Les and Annie for very different things. Les could be quiet with me, she could comfort me and love me the way I needed. Annie would kick my ass. She'd call all the bullshit. Tough love. Sometimes I needed that. Maybe I did need it now because Evan had to tell his parents. Because they would catch on something was wrong and I wasn't going to pretend anymore. I never wanted him touching me again. So because I knew I needed Annie, I agreed. Les knew it too. Annie was that for both of us.

Annie came and she surprised me by being very tender when Les explained what happened. She sat on the floor next to me and set her head on the couch and just held my hands, told me it wasn't my fault. I didn't think I needed to hear that but I guess I did.

"I sent him the pictures," I reminded her, tears stinging my eyes.

"You sent private pictures to someone you loved and trusted. Someone that you should've been safe sending them to. It's not your fault. It's all on him. Not you," she squeezed my hand and lifted her head to look at me seriously. "It's not your fault, Kora. It's not your fault he betrayed your trust and it's not your fault the way they talked to you and scared you. Nothing gave them that right. Nothing. It's not your fault."

And then I was crying more. Except it was different. A relief crying maybe? I wasn't sure. I didn't know how she knew I needed to hear that. She was sweet like that for a while and when she brought the tough love, I felt ready for it. She was right. I needed to make hard boundaries. I was so bad at boundaries but I needed to get over it.

Annie decided to stay the night with Les and I, have a sleepover like we used to do in medical school. Except those sleepovers were usually forced exhaustion, falling asleep on books and open notes. Tonight, we just had junk food and movies. It was exactly what I needed.

The only reason I knew I fell asleep was because I was back in the forest. I must've just passed out from being exhausted. But now I was in the forest, and Rykan was there with the most terrifying aura I'd ever felt. He lifted his eyes to me and they were glowing. God, he was so angry. I opened my mouth to speak, ask what was wrong but I couldn't. He was scaring the shit out of me.

"What's your address?" He asked calmly.

Much too calmly. Calm in a way that had a shudder going through me but not the kind of shudder he usually gave me. This one was just from fear.

"I'm not there," I answered shakily, wrapping my arms around myself.

"It's not you I'm going to look for tonight, angel. I already know where you are."

Oh. Oh. That's why he was angry. Not at me. That had me feeling a little less afraid. Except the look in his eyes could kill and that was still terrifying.

"Lucas was supposed to let me tell you," I said, feeling betrayed.

I don't know why I felt betrayed. Lucas owed nothing to me. He knew Rykan. He didn't know me. I really shouldn't be surprised.

"He tried," Rykan said, cocking his head to the side, for some reason it added another layer of intimidation. "But when I give an order, he has no choice. He has to obey his Alpha. Don't be angry at him for it. He did his best to keep his promise to you. Now," he paused and stood, walking towards me.

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