Chapter 37: Four Days

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I was still processing everything that happened and groggy from the drugs the whole time Addie got me situated in a car and then sat down in an infirmary where a woman named Anna was checking me. She frowned in concern when she was flipping through my bloodwork and for the first time since we left that awful place, I spoke.

"I have lots of issues," I explained, my voice cracking both because it was dry and I hadn't talked in so long. I cleared my throat and tried again. "Health issues. Lots of health issues."

"Oh," Anna said, checking over the paperwork again. "So you know about all these things that are off?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. I nodded and her frown only deepened. "You're on medication, right?"

"Yeah," I nodded. "But um... I don't know when the last time I took anything was," I admitted, tears stinging my eyes. "I don't know how long I was..." I sucked in a breath and tried to remain calm.

Get a grip, Kora, it's over, you don't need to be panicking now.

I didn't even notice Addie was back until I heard her voice. "Can you give us a minute?"

I looked up and Addie was standing near the door, leaning against the wall with her arms crossed. Anna nodded and Addie gave her a small smile before she stepped outside. Addie walked over to me and paused.

"I'm not going to force you to hug me but I think you could really use a hug after what you went through, so..." she said, opening up her arms.

I really did need a hug. I couldn't stop the tears and so I hugged her and she hugged me back, holding me tightly as I started to cry harder.

"I know, let it out," she said, squeezing me. "Just let it out now because it'll hurt you more later if you try to keep it in."

She was right. She was definitely right. It felt weird to cry on a stranger but I didn't have anyone else to cry on right now and so I leaned on her and got over the fact that I felt like a baby. I was still partially in shock, still uncertain what the hell happened or what was going on, I just needed a minute to breakdown or I'd really lose it.

Addie was so patient with me. I felt like I'd been crying forever but she never pushed me, she just hugged me. She was awfully good at comforting. After a while I finally got calmed down and Addie got me some tissues then sat next to me.

"When you're up for it, I bet a shower would be really nice," she said. "When I had a similar experience, I just felt like I needed to wash it all off me. You can come to the pack house and clean up, if you want."

"That sounds amazing, actually," I sniffled.

"Okay," she said, hopping off the bed. "Let's go but first do you have someone I can call for you? Your mate is probably freaking out and I'm sure you want to see them."

Rykan probably was freaking out. I'd been so in shock I didn't even think about it. Normally I would absolutely run to Rykan but even thinking about him reminded me what he said to me that had me running out of the house. He was so cold. He was going to kill Luke's mate, he banned Luke, he hurt me so much with his cold words. I wasn't ready to see him again and that hurt too and so the stupid tears returned.

"I um... I just... I'm not sure," I said, wrapping my arms around myself.

"Okay, that's okay," Addie said, setting her hand on my arm. "You can stay with us as long as you need to, okay? Don't worry about it."

I nodded, wondering if it was wise to stay with random people but it seemed silly she would save me and get me treated if she meant anything bad towards me. I still couldn't help but feel a little cautious but then the last person I expected walked in the door.

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