Chapter 35: Accident

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To say I was shocked at Rykan banning Luke would be an understatement. He told me Luke had been by his side from the beginning, how could he do this? I wasn't as close to Luke as I was to Xavier but he was still my Beta and he still showed up for me when I needed him to. I mean, damn, he was there during Fiona's surgery and he'd made every effort to help out any time I asked. Luke look just as shocked as I did and I couldn't leave it at that, I just couldn't.

"Luke, no," I said, shaking my head. "You're not banned. You're still the Beta. Don't leave."

He frowned and groaned, dropping his head. Oh no, not again. Just like with the Deltas, having two different orders.

"Rykan," I snapped, turning back just as he reached the door to the infirmary. "Take that back. That it back right now."

He ignored me and went out the door. I stared after him in shock. How could he be so cold?

"Luke!" Regan whimpered.

I turned, finding Luke curled up on the bed next to Reagan. She was rubbing his back and murmuring something to him. My eyes filled with tears because what was I supposed to do? I couldn't just let Luke go.

"Luna," he breathed shakily, wincing as his eyes opened. "Pl-please. It's okay," he stammered. "It's okay. Let me go."

I hated that I couldn't stop the tears from coming. "Damn you, Rykan," I muttered. "Obey your Alpha. You're banned," I said, my voice cracking. Luke relaxed, breathing heavily and trying to give me a reassuring smile. "I'm going to fix this," I promised, backing towards the door. "I'm going to fix it. I promise. Don't go far. I'll change his mind."

I ran out the door after Rykan, finding him talking with some Deltas. I knew he didn't like us disagreeing in front of pack members and I'd already done it once tonight but too fucking bad. He and I needed to talk about his ridiculously extreme reactions tonight.

"Dammit, Rykan," I snapped, grabbing his arm. "What the hell has gotten into you? You can't just-" I yelped as he grabbed me, throwing me over his shoulder and carrying me towards the house. "Are you fucking kidding me? Stop it! Put me down!" I screamed, kicking my legs.

"Stop," Rykan growled, smacking my ass.

I couldn't believe my stupid body. That smack shouldn't have affected me. I was pissed at him. And yet... His hand came down against my ass again, harder, making my core clench.

"Rykan," I scowled. "Stop it. Put me down right now, you're acting like a fucking child," I said, smacking his back. "We need to talk."

"Yes, we do," he growled, smacking my ass again.

Shit. Another clench. Another low growl from him that had my heart fluttering and my body warming, aching for him. He set me down in the house, backing me into the wall and bracing his arms on either side of my head, staring down at me with that intense look that never failed to make me want him. I hated how sexy he was when he was angry but damn he was sexy when he was angry, and he was livid.

I needed to talk to my therapist about finding angry Rykan sexy. It was not a good thing.

"I'm so fucking furious with you," he growled.

"I'm not exactly happy with you either," I snapped.

"Your scent is telling me a different story," he said, narrowing his eyes.

Oh, God, I was weak for him. Stay strong Kora. He banned Luke over nothing and was about to kill someone for fuck's sake.

"We need to talk."

Something very not Rykan-like crossed his face. Something mean, cruel, heartless, and just not him. What the hell was going on with him today? First he lost it on me earlier and now this? He was acting like a different person.

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