Chapter 7

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Her presence was always expected on time and they didn't wait for the knock or ring of the doorbell and instead swung open the door to let her in. Aside from Itsuki, they were all quick to adjust and adapt to new things. Riku was still trying to figure out his all-white puzzle, Shiro was busy with completing his challenge, and all that was left for introductions was to bond a little more with Akio.

Today was the day for Akio's session. He led (Y/N) to an unexplored part of the mansion, finding it amusing at her excitement as she marvelled at the kitchen in awe.

He slid a finger across the metal countertop that looked like it was used by a professional chef. Hell, the entire kitchen seemed like it was cut out of a rich people magazine and pasted into this house.

"Usually we would have Watari, our chef cooks our meals for us. As you know, one of my hobbies is cooking so I took up the liberty to cook lunch and dinner today."

(Y/N) was glad that Akio had these kinds of activities to do. She figured it gives him peace of mind. Setting her things to the side, she rolled up her sleeves. "Alright, then I'll help you! What's on the menu for today, chef Akio?"

He put on his apron and handed one to her, then tied her apron when he saw her struggle with the strings.

"For lunch, we will be making a creamy shrimp pasta with mushrooms dressed in a homemade Alfredo sauce. And for dinner, I'd like to make a rib-eye steak with a side of crispy mashed potatoes in a savoury asparagus sauce. How does that sound?"

It was like steam puffed out of her ears as her brain short-circuited. The names of the dishes sounded extravagant; too extravagant in her opinion. "That sounds..."


"No. Complicated."

Akio gave her a comforting pat on the shoulder with his signature smile. "Don't stress over it! You have me, and I am a pretty good chef if I do say so myself. I'm quite skilled in cooking, just follow my lead!"

With a thud, a thick book landed on the countertop. Akio leafed through the pages before passing the book to (Y/N), pointing to the recipe and the ingredients. "You can start with the Alfredo sauce. It's the easiest part of this recipe!"

She nodded and strolled over to the fridge, its large glass doors looming over her. It was probably larger than her room and Mina's rooms combined!

Rows upon rows of authentic and specially grown vegetables, fruits, and other exotic ingredients lined the shelves of the fridge. A smell unlike any other wafted in her face, and she forced herself to not stand there and stare at the food but rather take what she needed for the sauce. She could only imagine what the pantry was like.

By the time she had collected what she needed, Akio was already boiling the pasta and cooking the shrimp, his hands moving expertly as he tossed and mixed the food. The aroma made her stomach rumble and her mouth water.

"Akio... what does a cheese knife look like?" She questioned, sliding open a drawer that glittered with the sharpest and finest knives all crafted by hand.

Wiping his hands on his apron he slid an odd-looking knife out and took the block of aged marble cheese, then chopped a few pieces up all while (Y/N) peered over his shoulder desperately trying to catch up with his movements.

"Do you think you can do it?" When she simply stared at the cheese he put the knife in her hand and laid his hand on top of hers, slowly getting into the rhythm until the needed portion of cheese was chopped up.

She set the knife down, trying her best to not show her frown. Akio picked up on her vibe and leaned over the counter, peering at her face from beyond her hair.

"Are you okay? Did you cut yourself? What's wrong?"

A laugh escaped her lips. "No- no I'm okay. I'm fine. Thank you, Akio. I'm just... trying to keep pace with you and because you're so skilled, it's a little difficult and- Ah, the shrimp!"

She flew past Akio and decreased the heat while mixing the smoking food in the pan vigorously to keep it from burning while fanning it with her other hand.

Oh. He forgot about the shrimp.

Akio was frozen for a moment there. Odd.

With Akio doing most of the work and (Y/N) constantly showering him in genuine praise with his talent, they fixed up five plates of creamy shrimp pasta for lunch. The scent was unbelievable.

One careful step at a time she was led to another part of the house while rolling the trolly of food; the dining room. Her concentration was fixed on the extravagant China plates and cups lined on one wall while beautiful paintings covered the others. A long, wooden table stretched from one end of the room to the other while at least a dozen grey seats were tucked in perfectly in a uniform way.

The plates were already set down on the table accompanied by glittering silverware. She was broken out of her admiring trance when Akio spoke.

"I need to grab a garnish, I'll be right back!" She nodded and watched him go back to the kitchen. Back to the table and the steaming food, the arrangement of the plates displeased her. All plates were separated evenly, two at the ends and the other three spread out in a distance.

She slid the plates to one end of the table so that everyone could be seated next to each other while eating. Mealtimes are times meant for bonding and sharing stories, not to eat in silence and awkwardness.

Akio didn't question the new arrangement, only smiled as he sprinkled some diced green onion on top of the dishes to finish."Now that that's finished, let's eat! I'll call the others down for dinner."

On the other side of the dining room, there was an intercom. Akio pushed a button and spoke into it. "Lunch is ready, come down and eat everyone! Itsuki, will you be joining us?"

There was a pause until a crackling sound was heard and Itsuki's voice was heard. "No. Just bring my plate upstairs."

"I'll bring it to him!" Akio's sigh quickly transformed into a smile when he heard her words.

"Thank you, (Y/N). I suppose you know where his room is?" She nodded without thinking and took a plate from the table. To keep it hot and fresh she placed a metal dome over the dish.

Maybe it was best to ask for directions first. Hell, there weren't even any maids or other household workers around to tell her where to go. If she didn't deliver the dish soon, then it would get cold.

Turn after turn, hallway after hallway, she began to recognize some parts of the house and slowly but surely arrived at Itsuki's bedroom- or at least, that's what she hoped.

She knocked then took a step back. Her hand was raised to knock again until the door swung open and revealed Itsuki, headphones in his ears, phone in his hand and dressed in an oversized hoodie.

He was distracted by his phone and didn't realize who he was taking his plate from until his hand brushed hers. Panic to fear, a gasp left his lips and he spun around, almost dropping his dish as he slammed the door.

(Y/N) thought this was her mistake. "Ah- Itsuki! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. You were probably expecting Akio to bring you your dish. I'm-I'm really sorry. I should have..." she trailed off when she realized that it was useless talking to someone who wouldn't respond.

Back pressed flat against the door, his eyes were wider than the plate he was holding to his chest, the food spilling all over his hoodie. He let out a gasp and breathed when he heard her footsteps retreat.

"I'm such an idiot. She probably thinks I'm a weirdo- or a loser- or both. Why do I have to be this way..." A look of disgust painted his face as he pulled the plate from his chest, the food squelching in the process.


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