Chapter 1

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Cameras flashed. People applauded. A coppery scent.

She reached the end of the stage with her graduation certificate and medal in her hand, the name (Y/N) (L/N) imprinted in bold gold letters above the Ph.D. and master's degree in psychology. It had taken her 6 years to get that paper, 6 years in college to become an aspiring therapist, and now she finally achieved step 2 of her dream: graduate from college. Step 1 was get into post-secondary school, which was quite difficult and almost impossible with the tight money but with the help of her sister, she managed.

The sound of her older sister, Mina, cheering for her from the audience rang loudly in the stadium. (Y/N)'s eyes searched for her in the mass of people until they found her standing up with her fists in the air, her boyfriend applauding and cheering beside her.

She stepped off the stage and sat with the other graduates on the wooden benches as they waited for the ceremony to finish. Many of the faces around her were unrecognizable as she hadn't made friends during her time in college, partly because Mina convinced her to focus more on her studies than the parties and hangouts college students usually did.

Because of that, she never really involved herself in anything social, like parties, and although sometimes the booming music and scent of alcohol travelled to her dorm room, she always found a way to shut it out and study or sleep. Her dorm mate, on the other hand, was a complete stranger to her due to the fact that he was always out, especially at night and wouldn't come back until 3:00 AM or later. She figured he was one that focused more on entertainment than school.

The last person walked off, allowing the headmaster of the college to give a speech which she only half listened to it, her excitement distracting her. They dismissed the graduates, and as if an inflated balloon of pride filled her chest, she skipped to the audience and flung herself into the arms of her sister.

"You did it, (Y/N)! You really did it! I'm so damn proud of you!" She cried, hugging her tightly before pulling away and ripping the blue hat off of her head to rub her knuckles into her skull roughly. (Y/N) winced and glanced at her sisters' boyfriend, Yuki, who gave her a thumbs up and high five.

Mina swung her arms over her boyfriend and sister's shoulders, leading them outside of the stadium and to the parking lot. (Y/N) sat in the back, with Yuki and Mina in the front. "Let's go get ice cream to celebrate, my treat!" She announced, looking over her shoulder and smiling brightly at (Y/N) who nodded eagerly.

The engine purred to life as the car took off. Music played on the radio, all three of them singing along happily to one of the songs.

Her smile grew as she saw the familiar red and white sign, already picturing the sweet taste of the classic vanilla soft serve ice cream on her tongue.

They parked the car before heading inside, the smell of ice cream greeting their noses. Placing their order, they sat down in a booth. Mina placed her chin on her hands, smirking across the table at her younger sister.

"So, you're officially a therapist, huh?" (Y/N) shrugged before blushing in embarrassment. She was still in her baggy blue graduation outfit, and all the praise she was getting made her all the more nervous and shy.

Yuki slung an arm over his lover's shoulder. "You've come a long way you know. I still remember when you were in your teens, Mina and I just started dating, and you were so shy you wouldn't come out of your room... damn, has it really been that long?"

Mina shoved him playfully. "You're talking like an old man. Besides, it's not like I'm that much older than (Y/N), only by two years. And she's still as shy as a mouse."

"Well, I-I wouldn't have made it this far without you guys! You both took care of me and helped me get through college. I wouldn't be here with this-" she held up the certificate and medal, "-without you guys! I owe you both so much." (Y/N) said, smiling at the couple.

"Three large blizzards." A waiter said in a monotonous tone, placing their deserts in front of them.

Blushing, Mina clasped her hands together. "No more cheesy talk, let's dig in!" The other two nodded and happily munched on their ice creams, making casual talk about (Y/N)'s future and other things.

"Hell, if dad cared a little bit more, I'd probably get more than a high school degree and be in college too. Actually, scratch that. I don't have the brains for post-secondary school hah." (Y/N)'s shoulders drooped at her sisters' comment. It's true that if their father cared for the two a little more, they could've been leading better lives for themselves. Instead, he spends most of it on booze, cigars, and women.

Her mother passed away when she was 12, and since then their dad has changed drastically, leaving on more business trips and giving less love and affection to the two sisters, as if they were nothing more than mouths to feed and shelter.

(Y/N) shook her head and placed her hand on her sisters. "Don't think like that, there are still so many opportunities, and once I start earning money too, Yuki and I will make sure you get a higher education." Yuki hummed in agreement and Mina shook her head.

"It's too late. I'm 26, I might as well be a housewife or work retail."

She squeezed her hand tighter. "No, it's never too late. If there's one thing mom taught us, is that life is not a race. You can still do what you want no matter who you are, or what age you're at. Even if you were 70, I'd still want to send you to university! So don't think you can't do anything, because you can. I believe in you!"

There was a comforting silence before Yuki spoke up, "Hey, it looks like she's already a great therapist!"

The two sisters glanced at each other before laughing, the mood immediately lighting up.

"Thanks, (Y/N). I honestly wouldn't know what to do without you. We'll always be here for each other, right?"

She lifted her shoulders and smiled. "Right!"

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