Chapter 2

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A pen tapping against a file was the only sound heard until (Y/N) let out a sigh and slumped back into her chair. She was bored out of her mind, and ever since she applied and joined the Insight Therapy Organization she's only been assigned one case so far, a 14 year old with mild anxiety. He would be okay with one more session of therapy, and after that there would be nothing left to do. She was more than happy to help the kid, but she wanted to be more useful, give therapy to more people.

It's been four months since she graduated, and three months since she joined the ITO; her future was not playing out like she thought it would after all those years laying in bed and staring at the ceiling daydreaming, but she was grateful in the least.

So there she was, doodling on the back sheet of a paper in her room, the only light source coming from a flickering lamp at the corner of the desk. She figured that they'd use her more due to the fact that she graduated with the top marks in all her classes, all within the range of 80's to 90's,

Frowning, she pushed back her chair to stand up before her phone had a notification. An email from the ITO. She opened her phone, scanning the words.

'File #1008 sent to mailbox. Contact ITO if there are any problems.'

Her eyes glimmered with hope. This meant a new case, a new assignment. Tossing her phone on the desk, she burst out of her room and out the front door, fumbling with the keys in her pocket before she opened her mailbox. Sure enough, there was the beige folder. She pulled it out and smiled widely. Never before has she gotten so exited over mail.

She went back inside and placed it on the table, not realizing how thick it was before she put it down. Was it more than one case? No, that's not possible...

She tore it open and took out the papers, spreading them across the surface. 4 clients, and 4 other papers that held each of their information.

"Riku, Shiro, Akio, and Itsuki..." She mumbled out their names, her interest piquing as she read their files. She raised an eyebrow. Apparently they all lived in the same house, somewhere approximately ten minutes from hers. Well, it would make her job much easier since she did only home therapy, where she would go to peoples homes and treat them. That explained why they all had therapy sessions together, it would be easier instead of having different therapists come and go every hour.

She scanned the file further. "Riku: Anger management. Shiro: drug therapy. Akio: some sort of trauma, and Itsuki: social anxiety. Hm, this is serious." She checked the assigned dates of the sessions, and widened her eyes when it listed every day starting at 1:00 PM for one month for a few hours, unless they booked more dates further.

Her palms began to sweat. 'Maybe this is a little too much. I just graduated not too long ago, and I've only given therapy to one person so far, and what if I'm not skilled enough... No, I shouldn't be thinking this way! Be positive! I've gotten top marks, and all this knowledge will help. Besides, this is great for experience!' Her thoughts rambled on as she zoned out, slightly swaying back and forth with nervousness and excitement.

Shaking her head, she looked back to the file, wondering when she would start. First session: May 9th. She scratched her head. It was currently the 2nd of May, so she had a week to prepare. It was fine with her, she's been preparing 6 years for this, and with a life long dream of becoming a therapist, she finally got what she wanted.

Determined, she figured she'd prepare this week. She gathered the papers and headed back upstairs, hauling on the top step when she heard the front door swing open. Peeking over the railing there stood her father, a briefcase in one hand with a drunken expression plastered on his face.

He loosened his necktie and placed his briefcase down, stumbling up the stairs. (Y/N) shifted out of the way and watched him make his way to his room, his eyes not even sparing her a glance. Before he did, she called out his name.

He turned his head, squinting as if trying remember which daughter he was looking at. "Mh?"

She bit her lip, wondering why she was speaking with him in the first place. "I... How-how's business?" He didn't answer, just kept the same blank stare in her. "Dad I-I graduated from college. I'm a therapist now." Still no response. She sighed and headed back into her room, shutting it quietly before hearing her father close his door too, shortly followed by snores that penetrated the walls.

She sat on the edge of the bed, a dreaded feeling washed upon her. She just wanted him to be proud of her. Well, she always had Mina, and Mina was there in a heartbeat. 'Maybe I'll give her a call sometime and tell her about my new case.'

Mina and Yuki lived on their own, so she couldn't really see them as much as she wanted. It was fine with her; she wanted Mina to be happy, and seeing her live life with someone she loves is all (Y/N) could want for her sister.

The bed creaked as she leaned to one side, reaching for the papers once more. She wanted to know what her clients looked like, and as she scanned the papers she realized there was only a description of their physical appearances. All were in the range of 25 to 27 old, which comforted (Y/N) a little. She had the natural preference to talk to and give sessions to those who were around her age.

She tucked the papers back into the folder, sealing it tightly before placing it on her desk along with the other dozens of sheets, then leaned back and sighed, staring at the ceiling once more before slipping into sleep.

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