Chapter 9

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"I'm Nagisa, 23 years old... I live with my older brother and his boyfriend. I didn't want to have therapy sessions but he forced me, saying it was 'good for my mental health.'" Hands tucked underneath his thighs, he bit his lip nervously.

Fluffy, dark blue hair framed his perfect face, accompanied by the biggest and softest golden eyes she had ever seen. Her usual kind smile spread across her face, trying to make eye contact with the boy. Instead, he locked his gaze onto the ground. A grey, oversized hoodie hung loosely on his shoulders, the collar wide enough to show his sharp collarbone.

(Y/N) shut her notebook and tossed it to the side along with the pen, then rested her head on her hands. "Well, it's an absolute pleasure to meet you, Nagisa. My name is (Y/N)."


It was time for Riku's session the following day. She ended up spending time with him in his room which was shockingly plain. It was large and luxurious yet plain, almost like a hotel room. Unattached puzzle pieces were scattered around the half-completed white puzzle that sat on top of a grey table. She was pleasantly surprised toward his progress, impressed with how he managed to figure half of it out in such a short amount of time. Seeing her reaction to his progress made him beam with pride, but sharply turned his head away with a huff when she complimented him. A small giggle escaped her lips.

"Hey, Riku." She held a puzzle piece between two fingers, fiddling with it.


"I was thinking -"


"But I didn't even say anything yet..." she deadpanned.

With crossed arms, he replied, "You're gonna make me meditate or something like that." As he was talking she was rummaging around her bag. "If you pull out another brain teaser I'll kill you."

She laughed nervously and shook her head. "Not at all!" Hand still in her bag, she let go of the sudoku puzzle and instead pulled out a piece of paper and pen.

"Here, take these. When we first met, I asked you to tell me some things that you like. I still don't know you in the way that I'd like to. I don't want to stay on square 1 forever, so please work with me. Okay?"

Rolling his multi-coloured eyes he took the paper and pen. He nodded firmly and took half a minute to scribble down a few things.

Handing it back to (Y/N) her eyes scanned over it. "Riku, you like animals? I do too, especially dogs, but hearing- or, reading it from you I gotta say; that's... quite unexpected."

By now he peered down at her through strands of his purple hair. "Tch. Yeah? And what of it?"

"Ah, what if I got you a dog? Or do you prefer cats instead?" Riku was taken aback by that question.

"Ho-hold on, slow down. Are you freaking serious?" Eyes sparkling, she nodded vigorously.



"Wait- why not?"

Sighing he leaned against a wall. "Akio is allergic. I think Itsuki is also allergic. Either way, someone is allergic but I forgot who. I'm being considerate here."

She hummed. "I guess that's unavoidable. Ah, I got it! A guard dog would be perfect. The dog doesn't have to be inside the house, it can stay outside so that none of you get an allergic reaction- but we would have to choose a breed that has a fluffy coat so that it doesn't get cold. Oh and we-"

"Okay, okay! I get it! Your voice can get really annoying. Get straight to the point and then shut up."

She flinched from his harsh voice, arm lightly bumping into the table causing the puzzle pieces to shift. "Sorry..."

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