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"𝐒𝐎𝐎 𝐖𝐎𝐍." Days after the coup d'etat and the coronation, Sara sat in the large royal library, holding a thick and ancient book in her hands.

She acknowledged her husband, who stood in the doorway, looking hesitant.

"Come in, this is also your library now. The old king prohibited you from entering, didn't he? He didn't let me set foot in here either. Well, look where we are now. I could set fire to all these books and the old man wouldn't be able to do anything."

The queen stood up and put the heavy book down, running her fingers over the spines of the romance section.

Soo-Won felt like he saw a glint of madness in the woman's eyes, but brushed it off.

"Yes, that wouldn't be ideal, but yes, you could. Anyway, I came to visit you because I wanted to talk about Yona."

Immediately, Sara stopped. Her face became unreadable.

"What about her?" She sat back down, gesturing for the other to sit down on the couch opposite her.

"I feel that we have to speak about this. It's hard to ignore, isn't it? Um, well, there's really no other way I can put it, but what should we do with her? And Hak?" The king fiddled with his silk sleeves, trying to discern any slight reaction from his wife.

Obviously, the black haired female knew they would touch upon the topic sooner or later. It wasn't exactly taboo, but the two had danced around it the past week.

She sighed, lifting the book up onto her lap. "The name of this book is The Tale of the Red Dragon."

Soo-Won blinked, a bit confused, before nodding.

"I'm going to be extremely blunt. The reason why my sorry excuse for a father prohibited us from ever entering this library, is because of this book. It book contains stories thought as myths, but it is actually history. You know of the tale don't you? And don't lie, I know you've secretly been reading it."

He nodded again, thinking in his head that perhaps he had married a crazy lady.

"You probably think I've gone mad. But the truth is, the red dragon mentioned here, he is the ancestor of both me and Yona. And the story about reincarnation? That's also true. And I hope you've guessed it by now, but my red head sister is the dragon's reincarnation."

This was a lot to take in, certainly, so Soo-Won leaned back on the couch, gazing at the ceiling.

Sara almost scoffed. Did he not get what she was saying? Perhaps she had chosen the wrong man to marry. She had thought he had a lot of potential, but everybody made mistakes. Except for her. She was not allowed to make mistakes. That frustrated her. This would be too big of a mistake to rectify, and the perfectionist hated making any type of error. Her face involuntarily twisted into a scowl.

That made her feel lightheaded. 

It had been a while since she felt the nausea and fatigue hit her so hard. Funnily enough, Sara always felt better when she was next to Soo-Won. Like he cleaned her head of all its heaviness.

"So are you saying, that Yona and Hak may have gone on a quest? To gather and recruit the other dragons? But...for what?"

Soo-Won looked back at his wife, who quickly switched her expression back into an unreadable one.

"Knowing the brat, I'd say she's trying to learn what it means to be a good ruler."

"So are you saying she's going to try to take back the throne?"

"It would be safer to assume that, but I don't think she's the type of person who would seek revenge. Besides, thanks to you, kingdom is...improving. She wouldn't want to kill you, she's smart enough to know at the moment the kingdom is better in your hands."

Sara yawned behind her sleeve, thinking of what to eat for dinner.

"Of course, if she does try to take the throne back, I'll laugh at her and slit her throat."

The room was silent, with Soo-Won wondering if she was joking, or if she was serious.

"Um...ok, but one more thing. If Yona is the reincarnation of the Red Dragon, what does that make you?"

Sara lazily looked up at her husband through lidded eyes. "I thought you read the story. I would obviously be the Black Dragon, the brother of the Red. And of course he's the one who tried to kill his brother. I guess history really rhymes with itself, eh?"

"Rhymes? Not repeats?"

"Are you an idiot? In the book the Red one kills the Black Dragon with tears running down his face after the Black's betrayal. Well, this time, it'll be me, the Black Dragon, either laughing or killing the Red, my sister. I most certainly won't be crying, if not tears of amusement." She rolled her eyes, deciding that grilled salmon would be a great dinner.

Soo-Won sweat dropped, standing up from the couch and straightening his silk robes.

Sara observed him through her eyelashes, her sleeve covering her red lips.

"Well, I'm famished, and you must be too. I heard the cook made some nice grilled salmon for dinner."

The queen's cold face melted into a smile, sparkles and flowers almost visible in the background.

"Your face becomes really expressive in moments like these, huh?"

He helped his wife up, dusting off her layered kimono.

"Ehehehehe.." Sara quickly pressed a kiss to her husband's cheek before turning to stride out of the room.

"By the way, my love. You doubted me earlier, when we were talking about the tale, didn't you? You were thinking something disrespectful, weren't you?" His voice turned a bit whiny, his hands clinging onto the other's robes, preventing her from stepping out toward the dining hall.

"Tch." Her face turned into a murderous scowl again, making the king immediately let go of the fabric and shiver.

"Your face becomes really expressive, you know?" Soo-Won followed after his wife as she hurriedly strode towards the food.

"...He's really whipped for her, isn't he?" One of the maids whispered to another servant.

Sara of the 𝕊𝕚𝕝𝕖𝕟𝕥 ℕ𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥Where stories live. Discover now