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𝐖𝐄 𝐃𝐄𝐂𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐃 to do it at night, when everyone including Yona would be asleep. After celebrations, when everybody was drunk and in their beds, we snuck out of our rooms, and met in front of King Il's room. It was time.

I stepped forward first, pushing the door open, it's hinges creaking slowly. It was slightly cold outside, but his room was warm, lit by candles.

"Father? I must talk with you." 

Fool. One of the lessons the old man forced me to take was acting. 

Who knew it would be used like this? "It's about Yona."

The target himself was sitting at his desk, his crown on the stand next to him.

"Very well. You may come in." He even speaks to me like a soldier. I gesture for Soo-Won to stay outside, and come in when I signal.

Walking over to the other side of the desk, I sit on a chair facing him, folding my hands on my lap.

"I have concerns. I talked with Yona today, and I think that she should get lessons on Etiquette, History, and Self-Defense."

King Il finally looks up, frowning at me. "We've talked about this before. She has no need to learn those things, she isn't going to be queen. There is no reason to burden her with such things. Yona has Hak. And she doesn't need to know about the past in order to stand in front of a crowd."

"Even if I become queen, people will still be judging and analyzing her every move. If she doesn't know the happenings of the very country her sister is ruling, then she will be hated and jeered at by all. And when someone tries to assassinate or kidnap her, then your coddling and protecting of the girl will all be for naught." I say, and the King looks furious. "On top of that, she doesn't know who is who when officials come in! The crowd will know her about her lack of knowledge when she stands like a child. She is 16, not 12. Even commoners know to close their mouths when eating." The King finally exploded.

"HOW DARE YOU TALK ABOUT YOUR SISTER IN SUCH A WAY!" And there it was. King Il's true colors. He screams in front of my face standing up from his chair, making it fall with a loud clatter. He took no heed of it. His round pudgy face was a bright flaming red, and even though he looks ready to kill me, I remained unfazed and didn't signal Soo-Won yet.

I wipe the spittle off my face. "And I am your daughter. Not some livestock, not some kind of animal you can train. But we're ignoring the obvious, aren't we? You've never thought about how you've been beating your very flesh and blood. But that's alright. Politics then. Father, she must have at least some kind of outside knowledge if she is going to survive in the court, and in society-"

"Oh and now you are telling me what must happen and what must not? I am king. You forget that you are not yet queen. Perhaps the throne has gotten to your head." The man who is supposed to be my father sneers, setting his pen down and sitting back down in his ivory chair.

Sara of the 𝕊𝕚𝕝𝕖𝕟𝕥 ℕ𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя