An Interesting Proposition

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I stood there like a deer in headlights. Aria had a smirk on her face that I wish I could slap off, but I contained my composure to avoid embarrassment.

"Diana, I've been expecting you. Please." Holden signaled me to enter, he was smiling and seemed more chipper then usual. I was cautiously optimistic, preparing myself for fireworks.

"You two can leave now." Holden nodded in Aria's direction and without hesitation both of them proceeded out of the room.

I gave Aria a dirty look as she walked out the room while Red followed closely behind her, his head ducking down in shame. He knew he sold me out, but it was probably because he was commanded to, a warrior that didn't follow an order was a death wish.

As soon as the door closed behind them Holden stood up, clutching my little black book tightly in his hand.

"I can explain." I said as I tried beating him to the punch.

"No, Diana. You lied to me, but I will admit... I already knew." He walked towards the window, peering through the glass as he held his hands behind his back.

"But – how?" I curiously asked.

"Diana, you are the Luna of this pack. You need to be honest with me. It doesn't matter how I know because I need to protect you. If anyone finds out about your abilities, they will try to take you away from me... And trust me, I will kill anyone who even thinks about doing that. I would hunt down their entire family and wipe out their blood line from the history books. " Holden turned around, looking at me with a dark look in his eyes. I wasn't sure if he was more angry or disappointed, but I felt guilt in the pit of my stomach. Was I wrong for not telling him everything?

"I don't know... I can't explain it. This was all inherited from my mother, and it's why I keep it a secret, she told me it was dangerous for others to know. I still don't know what all of my abilities are... I healed Red that day yes, but that's all I know that I can do. I swear I'm telling the truth." I tried to be as sincere as possible without getting him angry, but by the look of his expression he was already furious.

"Then explain this Diana!" He slammed the book down hard onto the desk "ANOTHER SECRET." He slid the note book across his desk, pages already opened revealing my sketches of Red's tattoos.

"I don't know..." I looked down at the book feeling ashamed that I couldn't give him more answers.

Never in my life had I felt like I wanted to sink in the floor and disappear. Why couldn't I be a normal wolf like everyone else? I felt like I was drifting away from everyone in my life, and there was nothing anchoring me down.

As I glanced back up I noticed that Holden was no longer in front of me. My body tensed up, unable to see where he disappeared to.

"Holden?" I called out.

I glanced around the office frantically looking for him. The eerie silence made me tremble inside.

Suddenly, I felt his warm breath on my neck and my eyes widened in fear. There was a strong pressure on my arms, like I was being tied back. I struggled in his grip but he was too strong. His face lunged forward, his mouth close to my ear.

"You are mine forever Diana, no one will take you from me. Don't lie to me ever again my angel. Or you will not like it, TRUST ME." I felt his warm tongue graze my outer ear and my body shook in terror. "If I have to burn this whole world down to have you, I WILL."

I felt his tongue reach my neck, trailing down to the outer edge of my mark. It stung from the contact, but then miraculously turned into pleasure, sending my core into overdrive.

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