Going Home

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Red (Loki)

Tonight, was the same as any other night. The constant nightmares, the raging headaches, and the ever-growing urge to leave. Holden was psychotic, and it wasn't the same as my old home. None of this was.

We were training in the middle of fucking nowhere in Red Blood territory, all of them were typical show off warriors, trying to impress their Alpha. They lacked the necessary experience to even call themselves a warrior, and most of them, held no honor.

I sighed as I blew smoke through my lips. It was my last cigarette and I was going to make it last.

Even know the silk sheets softened the comfort of my sleep, the strange naked woman laying beside me was the only thing keeping me sane in this place. Sounds of her purring into the quietness of the night kept me calm while I lay awake, thinking of the past.

"You're still up?" Suddenly the mysterious beauty awoke from her sleep, her eyes flickering open, exposing her florescent green orbs.

We met before Holden took the warriors to train in the stadium, she was an Omega cleaning and preparing for our arrival, and as soon as we met we were inseparable.

The Omega reminded me of her, even the way she looked was similar. The way her short dark curls waved to her shoulders, her heart shaped lips that she constantly bit whenever she spoke, and her skin, a russet brown shade that reminded me of the light that bathed in the rich forests.

She was full of beauty and I wanted to discover every inch of her body, but it wasn't the same, and I don't think it would ever be.

"Couldn't sleep." I leaned in closer to her as she turned to her side.

She had a look in her eyes that said she wanted more. Was she seriously wanting more after the countless hours we just spent making love?

"You got quite the sex drive," I smirked as I pulled myself on top of her, feeling her curves through my hands as I grazed her hips, slowly making my way to her breasts. Her sweet skin glowed in the darkness, like a light at the end of a tunnel and the only thing I wanted to do was devour myself in her warmth.

...Later that night

"Red get out here." Suddenly a voice appeared in my head.

What the hell time was it? Was that Iris mind linking me? What did he want at this hour? I finally managed to fall asleep, only to be interrupted soon after. Just my luck.

"Yea, coming." I jumped out of bed, not even bothering to put any clothes on.

I opened the door to see Iris standing with his usual dark ensemble. Black pants, black jacket, V-neck shirt, and as usual, not a hair out of place on his head. He always looked polished no matter what time of day, but tonight I could see concern in his face, and he was a man of little emotion.

"Am I disturbing you?" He peered over my arm holding the door open to see the Omega sleeping on the bed.

"No, not at all, is everything ok?" I glanced over at her, still purring peacefully on the bed.

I didn't even get her name, and I suppose she knew as well as I did that this was a temporary fling. A part of me dreaded when I would have to go, but I couldn't get myself involved in another relationship. Not again, not after what happened.

"You know there are certain things a woman could never understand." He peered into me with his dark eyes, like he wanted me to agree with him, but there was only an awkward silence. What the hell was I supposed to say?

After no reply he quickly snapped back to his usual serious expression, "But that's another conversation for a better day, we have to go now."

"Yes Beta, let me put on some clothes."

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