Saving Him

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I paced the room for several minutes as the growing anxiety took hold of my mind. Damian wasn't here to protect the pack or me, so why should I feel any safer locked away in this room? Was it actually rogues? Was it Holden? Was it Crimson Warriors? I was to the point of no return and I didn't want to leave, but the fear bubbling up inside me was pushing me to run away. The mark that I once flaunted around was gone and I didn't want it back.

Eric told me to stay in my room until they cleared the area, but I've been through this shit before. I needed escape before Holden found me because he was the only one that I was truly afraid of.

"SHIT!" I paced the room like a maniac, trying to devise a plan to escape and run away until it was clear of Crimson warriors. Maybe it was a foolish plan, but the panic and anxiety of my old life took over my thought process and I just wanted to run.

At least if I ran, I had a better chance than facing Holden. I wouldn't know where to go, but it would be better than twiddling my thumbs in this room.

"Come on think Diana!" I ran my hands through my hair and that is when I got the idea. I pulled a bobby pin from the back of my head and held it in front of my face. "It's been a long-time old friend." I smirked.

I used to be a sneaky child growing up, always breaking into Adam's room. All I needed was a bobby pin and I could pick any door lock.

I lunged forward in front of the door, sliding the pin in and out of the latch, listening closely to the clicks of the interior levers. After a few attempts I was able to unlock the door. I screeched in excitement as I slowly turned the doorknob.

While everyone was preoccupied fighting the Crimson warriors, I can slip by unnoticed and make my escape. I took one more glance around the room, I was sad, but at the same time the fear of Holden took over and I had to run. Damian wasn't here so there was no chance in hell I was staying behind to wait it out.

Thankfully, the hallway outside my room was quiet. I was surprised there were no guards, but then again, if this were a Crimson attack they would need all the warriors they could muster.

I was unfamiliar with the layout of the house, but I followed the sound of roaring wolves that came from outside, hoping I could navigate the labyrinth of hallways. It felt endless and I wasn't sure I was going to even find my way out, but just as my confidence was dwindling, I saw the door the led out to the back. I could see the moon light shining through the glass on the door.

"Yes!" Just as I gripped the handle my heart began to race, not knowing what was beyond the door.

Maybe it was a rogue? Or a Crimson warrior? I had the odds against me, but I had to try. I was praying to the moon goddess that there would be no one close by. It seemed to be quiet enough, so I slowly opened it a crack, then finally I swung it open in quick pace.


Not a soul in sight. Just the stirring bushes and trees swaying in the wind. It was a night-time, but the moon was on full blast, shining enough light to see through the darkness.

I was feeling guilty for bailing on Eric, but I was confident he would manage. He seemed like a strong warrior; he was Damian's Beta after all.

I started jogging towards the forest line, this was my best chance to lose the scent of anyone trying to follow me. I knew how Holden operated, and once they caught wind that I was here there would be no stopping him or his trackers.

Suddenly, after a couple minutes of running, something blocked the path to the forest. It wasn't Holden, it wasn't Crimson, but it smelt like shit.

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