Sleeping Beauty

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Trigger Warning: This chapter is filled with violent / sexual acts that may offend some readers. If preferred, please skip this chapter.


I love him.

I want him.

He was MINE.

It was something I said to myself every day when I woke up. No matter who was laying down beside me, he was always on my mind. My one true love, the only one that would ever understand me, only to be overshadowed by some immature bitch.

"Up already?" I glanced over to see Iris and another young warrior I could barely remember. I think I had one too many drinks last night. Ever since she was taken, Holden has been a nightmare to deal with so sometimes I found myself in strange beds I would never thought I would end up in.

"Yea," I lit a cigarette as I sat up in the bed. Watching the two men that probably cared more for each other then me.

I was the odd one out.

I mean, the sex was amazing, but I knew they preferred their own equipment.

"You mind?" Iris put his hand out.

I sighed, "Help yourself." I took another puff.

"Why don't you just tell him?" Iris put the cigarette in his mouth, "Could you?" He signaled for me for the lighter.

"Oh, right, here." I flicked the lighter and lit the end of his stick.

We both sat and watched the young man purring in his sleep.

"How was he?" I blew the smoke lightly away from the bed, hoping not to wake up the sleeping beauty.

"Much to learn, but it was a pleasure."

"For such a perv like yourself, you don't go into much detail on your sexual encounters."

"I'm not a child." He smirked as he blew smoke in my face.

"Fuck you Iris."

Suddenly, sleeping beauty turned, but thankfully, was not awoken.

"Well, if you must ask, it was a pleasure with you as well." Iris lightly chuckled.

I sighed heavily, I mean, it was fun last night, but with Holden was better. It was all that I wanted, but he was so wrapped up in Diana the past few weeks he's completely isolated himself.

"Just talk to him." Iris lightly ran his fingers through sleeping beauty's wisped chocolate brown hair.

"Maybe your right." I got out of bed and started to dress.

The thoughts, the dreams, my obsessive behavior were getting out of hand. I wanted to tell Holden the truth. I know I had a hard exterior, but deep down, I ached to be loved.


"Holden?" I lightly nocked on the side of the wall as there was still no door.

There was no response.

It was dark inside his room, the drapes were covered over the window, but I could hear him breathing.

He must be sleeping.


Fuck it, I'm going in.

"Holden? You there?"

Still no response. Why was this asshole so caught up in his emotions? It wasn't like him at all to be so wrapped up over a woman.

"Holden?" I whispered as I tiptoed towards the bed. The room was in shambles from the first night they took her, he refused to allow Iris to get his men to clean it up.

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