Chapter 8- A mole

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????'s POV

Those unsuspecting FOOLS. HA! they'll never know what hit them. That brat MARINETTE gets everything. EVERYTHING! she chooses not to kill? she still stays and gets to be treated like a princess. The league is attacked? She is sent to stay with her father- who's a BILLIONAIRE. and she runs away from that too? loving mother and father with a sweet bakery. I, on the other hand, get NOTHING. NOTHING! I lived in her shadow. Not now, not anymore.

I finally have an opportunity, after pretending like a fool, I CAN FINALLY ELIMINATE SADIA! 

HA! who is this crazy person- no, no it's NOT Lila, Lila's a brat, not an evil lunatic...This person deserves to be the villain in my story. Till the next chapter, GUESS WHO!

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