Chapter 12- A MONTH?! dang. Time flies by when you're swamped.

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I'm not even going to try to get out of this. If you stuck by waiting for me, I love you! even if you didn't, I love you!!

Also, I'm taking requests!! Any and all requests PG-13 and mlb x dcu, or only mlb accepted!! either PM me, or comment! You can also choose to stay anonymous, just tell me beforehand! 

okay, now on to the chapter!! 

Dear Diary,

It's been a month since I wrote in you. It's not been a fun month. Why I ever decided to stay in Gotham is a puzzle to me. If I had known staying with the Waynes would be this....terrible, I would never have chosen to stay. All I feel is neglect. At first, Alfred was kind and warm. But as time went on, he seemed to have less and less time for me. It's like, ever since they found out I could- I have to go. I'll talk to you soon.

Love, Sadiya

Yes. A kinda-sorta-cliffhanger

I'm really sorry this is so short but I've got class in 10 minutes, and after that, I have to re-learn the representation of irrational numbers on the number line and some other shit. And then, I've got TONS of math homework. Like, she took the liberty of assigning the whole textbook. 


9th grade sucks. And I only just started it.

Lots of love, 

(PS- we reached a 100 followers!! yay us~ <333)

(8th June 2021)- I'm still here, just stuck. An update will be coming your way soon~ 

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