On The Hunt

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It was an exhausting day for the girls to figure out anything else, so they retired for the night.

Stacey had just changed into her night clothes when she heard the front door downstairs being closed. She quickly switched the lights off and jumped into her bed. Just as she did that, she heard footsteps coming up the stairs. A ray of light entered her room as Matt peeked in to check on her. She closed her eyes as tightly as possible and snored softly for special effects, clutching the white bear as close to her as possible.

After a few minutes she realized that her door was closed and the footsteps were starting to fade downstairs. After she was completely sure that Matt wasn't lingering around, she got out of bed, still hanging on to the bear, and quietly sneaked into Sarah's room, which was opposite hers.

After Stacey was in, she tiptoed next to her sleeping sister and shook her awake.

"Stop, I wasn't sleeping you know!" said Sarah, quickly sitting up and her stuffed pup fell off her bed.

"Oops, sorry," said Stacey hastily, letting go of her and bending down to retrieve the toy.

"Never mind," said Sarah, straightening her sleeve. "Now what do we do?"

"Now we stay up and see what they really are up to," Stacey replied.

"How do we know whether they're going to be up to anything?"

"Didn't you hear that hooded creature, whoever it was? They have only a week; they will start searching for the book today."

"So, you're going to stay in my room the whole night?" asked Sarah, yawning.

"Of course not," said Stacey, getting up. "But we need to keep each other updated if we hear anything," She looked around and spotted Sarah's mobile resting upon a pile of books on her desk.

"Maybe you could give me a call in case you do hear anything and I'll do the same," she said and left the room.

After 20 minutes there was a sudden thud sound that made Sarah wake-up with a fright and hurriedly dialed Stacey's number.

"Hmm" Stacey answered the phone still in sleep

"What was that?" Sarah asked worriedly.

"I think it was either Ann or Matt or both," Stacey replied sitting up. "Didn't I tell you they will be up to something tonight?"

"Do you think we should find out what?"

"Of course," Stacey yawned and stood up, "we have to, and stop them from finding it."


"Because I have the feeling that this book doesn't actually belong to them. Maybe they are going to use it for the wrong reasons."

"Maybe..." said Sarah, deep in thought.

They both silently peeped from their rooms and watched a dark figure entering one of the spare bedrooms. A few minutes later, they saw it coming out and walking down the long corridor. A ray of moonlight fell on its blond hair; it was Ann, they watched her heading up for the attic.

As soon as she disappeared, they crept out and followed her to the attic. They climbed up the narrow stairs as slow and quietly as possible and watched Ann digging furiously into each cardboard box she could get her hands on and pulling its contents out.

After what felt like hours, she slumped down and buried her head in her hands.

"Why is the book so important to them in the first place?" Sarah whispered, looking at the mess Ann had made.

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