The Aftermath

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 Sarah turned around, startled, just to see Ann standing in the room right in front of Stacey. At that exact moment Matt walked through the door and said, “Ann, just take the Book and go. Don’t even think of hurting them.”

“I knew you had something to do with this,” said Ann, looking at him furiously. “You knew where the Book was all along, didn’t you?”

“Yes, I knew,” he replied plainly. “Look, I just don’t want anyone to get hurt, okay?” 

“Since when did you get so soft?” she asked sarcastically, but then she suddenly burst out laughing, a cold laugh which echoed around the room. 

“Oh I get it, they’re your blood. Matt, when will you ever learn that demons have no feelings. What has that stupid  Bitch done to you?”

“Don’t you dare talk about my mother like that,” yelled Stacey while Sarah clutched the Book and the phone close to her, petrified.

“And don’t you dare yell at me,” she spat through clenched teeth, closing in on the girls. “Give me the Book, now.”

“NO! We won’t!” they both yelled, huddled together with fright and determination. 

“Ann, please don’t hurt them,” Matt begged.

“Whether they give it or not, I will kill them,” she said threateningly.

“But you can’t…” said Matt, looking at her pleadingly. “What have they even done to you?”

“Well, for starters, they have the Book and didn’t even bother telling us. And secondly, didn’t you hear our Master? They are growing stronger by the second and they are the keys to his destruction,” she said, pointing at the girls.

“In that case…” he murmured, lifting his hand up and gave a little flick of the wrist. Suddenly, Ann was pushed against the wall. 

“Run!” he yelled at the girls, who were standing with shock.

Without wasting a single second, the girls ran out of the room, clutching the Book and the phone, just as Ann was recovering from the shock. 

They ran down, taking three steps at a time, and went straight for the front door. 

“It’s locked,” Stacey yelled, pushing her whole body against it.

“The back door,” said Sarah and ran, closely followed by Stacey. 

Just as they were nearing it, a large, round, flaming object whizzed past them, merely missing their shoulders, and had hit the wall instead, charring it. 

Sarah reached the door first and fiddled with the handle.                            “This one’s locked too. What do we do now?” she cried.

“Die,” said Ann furiously from behind them. The expression on her face was threatening; her fists were clenched by her sides and her eyes were narrowed menacingly. But before she could do anything, Matt appeared and pushed her hard to the floor, giving way for the girls to run.

“We have no other way out,” Sarah yelled.

Stacey looked around frantically, searching for a way to escape when she noticed the curtained window.

“The window,” she cried out and ran towards it.

“You go first,” she told Sarah, pulling back the curtains.

    Sarah nodded and placed her legs over the window. Then she jumped out.   

Stacey was about to place her leg when she felt something hot zip past her right arm. Instant pain raced through her body as she clutched the burnt area in agony. 

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