The Horror continues

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In the room:

Jacob was cautiously looking around the room he was in, there were rows and rows of cabinets that lined the walls; rusty spoons hung over the long counter. A large fridge stood near the bay window overlooking the forest.

He realized that he must be in the kitchen and casually walked over to the fridge. He yanked it open, a weird-looking object was the only thing that occupied the fridge. Jacob pointed his flashlight as he bent to take a closer look. Suddenly, he gasped and pulled back his head and slammed the door shut.

A frozen body of a skinny boy was crouched in there, his skin a pale blue color and small ice crystals still hanging on to his blonde hair. His eyes stared out lifelessly and his mouth was wide open in shock.

Jacob wondered who the kid might be and shook his head sadly hoping they weren't too late to rescue the others. Towards his left, he spotted a flight of stairs leading down and headed towards it assuming that it was the basement.

It creaked with every step he took as he walked down the wooden stairs. At the bottom, large crates and boxes were neatly set in the corners and a long, wooden pool table stood in the middle.

"Interesting" he whispered aloud as he strode toward it. But when he took the first few steps, his flashlight began to flicker. He swore under his breath as he banged it against his palm.

While he was trying to get the flashlight working again, he felt the hairs on the back of his neck prickle. He ignored it and decided to change the batteries. He pulled his backpack off his shoulders and rummaged around it for the spare batteries. He still couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching him and slowly advancing on him. He could feel the hairs on the back of his neck prickle again as he looked up and could practically feel someone breathing down his back. He turned around slowly and was soon facing a ghostly disfigured form behind him.

Then, there was sudden stillness and the only sound heard was the falling of the batteries and the flashlight as it hit the ground and finally flickered off.

1st floor:

Misty was looking around fretfully, the flashlight shaking a bit in her sweaty palms and she was wondering how the others were doing. She turned to the first door to her right and turned the brass knob. Suddenly, a cold blast of air hit her hard as she pushed open the door but it only lasted a second, during which time she felt herself frozen stiff. She tried to move a bit and to her relief, she could lift up her foot.

She rubbed her numb nose and took a few steps in and glimpsed around. The room was completely bare and went in a bit more, even though her conscience was urging her to leave.

She began searching in the room for any clue about the missing teenagers.

After having no luck, she decided to check other rooms. As she turned around she was faced with a pale, wispy form glaring down at her with its sinister white eyes. It floated above a bit more before it headed straight down for her. Misty tried to utter a cry, but nothing came out as she watched the ghostly form rushing at her.

Unexpectedly, her vision started to fog up as she was getting another premonition –

Jacob turned around only to find a ghostly outline behind him. Soon, he hit the floor and was concealed by total darkness.

Misty's eyesight quickly cleared as a scream escaped her throat.

2nd Floor:

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