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A Week later

It was a cloudless, sunny day; the girls couldn’t get a bit of sleep. The attack that happened a week ago kept them up.What were they going to tell others if they found out that their parents were missing. Even if their parents wanted to kill them, well, one of them at least. Hoping that the ash they found wasn't their father. 

 Stacey was lost in her thoughts  when she heard her name being called out. 


She looked up and smiled as she saw Misty entering the den. Stacey really appreciated their efforts to help them since the incident.

“What are you doing here all alone?” Misty asked, sitting next to her. “Sarah is up at the headquarters, trying to learn about our family and demons.

“Sure. And what’s Jacob up to?” 

“Oh, he’s out hunting.”

“Hunting?!” Stacey asked, puzzled.  

“- For a job,” Misty completed, laughing.

Stacey joined in, forgetting about what she was thinking until Misty stopped and asked, “So, were you still thinking about Matt and Ann?”

“Huh?” she asked, caught by surprise.

Misty shook her head sadly and said, “Stacey, you’ve got to get over them. They are just a bunch of demons that have caused you so much pain. But you have to stay strong for your sister. It’s hard on her too, but she is staying strong, just for you.”

“I know, but I can’t help it,” said Stacey, who wanted to cry but held back the tears. 

“Promise me you’ll forget about them,” said Misty looking at Stacey, her olive-green eyes narrowing. 

“Okay,” Stacey replied through the large lump in her throat. She groped about for her comfort toy, her teddy, but she couldn’t find it. She had forgotten all about it for sometime, which was kind of weird, since she and Sarah were always tugging it around. She was about to ask for it when Jacob walked in, looking exhausted.

“Hey girls,” he said tiredly as he slumped down between them. 

“Hey,” they both replied.

“So? How did it go?” Misty asked eagerly.

“It was great,” he replied, leaning his head back and staring up at the ceiling. “I think an art director is exactly what I want.”

“Wow, that’s great! Isn’t it great Stacey?”

“Yeah,” Stacey said, still looking around. “Hey, has anyone seen a large, fluffy bear around here somewhere?”

“Oh, you mean the one I threw out?” asked Jacob, looking down at her. 

Stacey stared at him, her eyes wide with shock before she exploded, “You threw it out? I can't believe you! Didn’t you ask first before you-”

“Whoa, hold it,” he said hurriedly, holding up his hands to slow her down. “The whole thing was ruined along with the stuffed dog I found. I never knew you wanted a burnt teddy. Actually, I don’t even know why you hang around with it. How old are you again?”

Stacey could feel her ears turning red as she blushed and muttered, “we were really attached to it.”

“Tell you what,” he said, getting up, “why don’t I buy you another one to make up for the one you lost?”   

  Before Stacey could reply, they heard a scream from upstairs.

“Sarah!” Misty yelled and raced upstairs.

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