Halloween Fright

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"Do you think we're being too hard on her?" asked Jacob, who looked back at the house fretfully through the rearview mirror.

"Well, she should have thought of that before she pulled those nasty pranks," said Stacey angrily from the passenger seat, her arms folded in front of her. "Now, stop talking and drive."

"Where are we heading to again?" he asked, stopping at the red light.

"Hawthorn Banks" she reminded him, exasperated. "The mall."

"Oh, right," he replied as he turned to the left.

A little while later he asked, "Why?"

Stacey looked at him irritatingly and said, "To get some costumes and pumpkins, duh."

"Hey, look," said Sarah from behind. "Misty's going to be fine. It's not like she's ten or something."

"Yeah, you're right," he said, sighing, as he turned left again. "I should take my mind off her."

"Um, Jacob," said Stacey, frowning at him.


"The mall's that way," she said, pointing behind to the right.

Misty was pacing around the den, wondering what to do now. Suddenly, her stomach rumbled again and she remembered that she was starving.

She went to the kitchen and yanked open the fridge door to see what leftovers were there from last night. Chicken pasta was her only favorite thing she found. So, she took it out, emptied it on a plate and popped it in the microwave. Sitting at the table, she wondered what the others where doing.

Jacob and the girls were hunting for costumes. He was very reluctant to buy one for himself, so the girls forced him to take half a bloody knife with a dent in-between so when he wore it, it seemed as if someone had drove the bloody knife into his head. Since he had refused to take any outfits, they forced him to take the knife and told him that they will make the rest of the costume at home.

Stacey decided to be a grim reaper and chose a black robe with a hood, gloves that looked like skeleton hands and a fake scythe.

Sarah had a tough time as she looked everywhere for a perfect costume for her. She thought of being a clown, but Jacob suggested that it wasn't a good idea as Stacey made a disgusted face and said, "It's Halloween for crying out loud! Try buying something wild and dangerous and... out-of-this-world kind of. You know."

"Oh, I dunno," she sighed as she looked around, her arms folded in front of her. Abruptly, she walked to one of the racks and pulled out a long, black, velvety dress with netted long-sleeves with eerie designs on it.

"It's totally gorgeous!" said Stacey, feeling the velvet as Sarah held it in front of her and admired herself in front of the mirror.

"With a pair of false, pointed teeth," she said, twirling around with the outfit, "I can turn into a full-fledged vampire!"

"That's good," said Jacob, checking his watch. "It's getting late. Let's buy the pumpkins and get out of here." But before he left, his eyes fell on a pink outfit and he took it out.

Misty was pacing the den again. She was now completely bored and couldn't think of anything else to do. She had watched a bit of television, read the Book, sent e-mails to all her friends back in New York, and was now completely out of ideas.

She sat on the couch and leaned back, sighing. She glanced at the clock and groaned. It was an hour past three and the others haven't showed up yet. She decided to wait for them, no matter what, and try to talk to them.

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