08 | Tuesday | Angel's POV

315 19 25

Day 1. I admit, I did tempt and checked his twitter out. But I didn't follow so I'm still bloody proud of myself.

(A/N: I highly hope there isn't a twitter or instagram account with that username but if there is, it's completely coincidental and has absolutely no relation to the story :)

Dragomir Pavlov
Be the best version of yourself! 17. Scorpio. Amateur swimmer and a novice writer.
Bulgaria * instagram/drag0mir * Born November 19
Joined January 2018
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Followed by Marina, Pavel, and 2 others you follow

His tweets were mostly about famous swimmers I've never heard about, TV shows he's watching, a few quotes from his favourite poets, some photos of him in front of a swimming pool... See, THAT's the content I creep on him about! He's flexing his biceps for the camera, a bright smile on his face, his wet sculpted body in clear view. I give it a like before I can stop myself. And then I panic, unliking it right away. Stupid Angel! It was a few months old! And... I promised myself I'll wait at least four days until I make a move!

"Is your phone more interesting than multicellular organisms?" I hear Mr. Daskalov's voice booming over me.

He's a short, stocky man with light brown hair that is currently styled on the side. His piercing hazel eyes are looking scornfully at me.

I freeze in my spot, slowly retracting my phone in the safety of my pocket, hoping he won't decide to confiscate it this time.

He doesn't. He just huffs and moves on with the lesson.

Maybe I should pay some attention in class after all.


"Now! I've prepared an assignment for you," Mr. Daskalov says and the boys behind me growl in despair.

The teacher starts writing something on the blackboard, still talking as he does so.

"I would need you to write essays on the topic I'll assign each of you, at least 300 words long and also a presentation of at least seven slides that you would do in pairs."

At this point my russet brown eyes bulge out of their sockets. See, the essay is easy. I'll just copy it from somewhere and alter it a little. But the presentation... And I'll need to have a partner for that? Bloody Hell!

"The presentations you would do together with your partner. However! And this is extremely important!" Mr. Daskalov faces the class. "The essay is an individual assignment so I would expect them to be different. Do not! I repeat! Do not! Copy the essay from your partner. It IS an individual task!" He says glaring at someone in the back rows.

I glance at Alejo, sitting on my right, hoping we could do the presentation together. I'm not thrilled by the idea of working with someone else but I also do not want to be the only one left without a partner. Again.

"The assignments are as follows. Write them down because I will NOT repeat myself! Alejo and Angel: Carbohydrates."

I let out a sigh. It seems like I wouldn't even need to ask. The teacher has already paired us together.

"I want structure, division, monosaccharides, disaccharides. If you include something about nutrition, I do NOT want it to take up more than one slide in the presentation and no more than two paragraphs in your essays! Bahar and Dragomir: Lipids. Please, do try to cover all categories..."

Mr. Daskalov reads out the assignments, finishing up with the deadline. Apparently we have up until Christmas to complete our work.

I sigh in relief, slouching in my chair as I do so. He could've said this sooner! And here I was thinking we only have till next week! Bloody sadistic bastard!

Sincerely, Angel [BxB]Where stories live. Discover now