19 | Ketchup and Mint | Angel's POV

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Yet another Monday. Only as I enter through the school gates I feel more eyes on me than usual. It's annoying and nerve-racking. I turn up the volume of my music just so I can't hear their not-so-subtle comments about me.

I couldn't say I'm surprised. I was expecting this. I came mentally prepared for a fight.

I scan the yard for Drago and a wave of relief washes over me when I don't spot him anywhere. I know I owe him an apology, if not for going out with Emil or our kiss, for what happened to his unfortunate groin. Emil went a bit overboard in his desire to defend me.

The first person that decides headphones in ears means 'come and talk to me' is Enver, the runt with chocolate brown hair and cute round glasses that everyone loves. Maybe that's why they assigned him as gossip representative today.

"Good morning, Angel!" He shouts with a broad smile, waving in my face.

I sigh in defeat and remove my right earphone, grumbling a "Morning" back.

"How are you today?" He looks up at me with his adorable puppy eyes.

"I'm fine."

"Did something fun on the weekend?"


"Got a new boyfriend you want to share about?" He bats his eyelashes at me.


"Got an old boyfriend I haven't heard about?"

I almost laugh at that but manage to refrain myself pretty successfully, if I might add. "No."

He huffs and crosses his little arms in front of his chest.

"Lazar says he saw you at the mall on Saturday."

Hm, I don't remember Lazar being there. "It's possible."

"And you were with an older guy." Does this kid ever give up? "K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Enver starts jumping up and down as if he's been trying really hard to contain himself till now. "Who is he? Is he your boyfriend? When did you start dating?" Questions keep flying my way while I'm doing my best to dodge the assault. It was a good move to send Enver to me. They know I won't hit him no matter how annoying this munchkin has been.

"Baby, calm down!" I grab his shoulders to keep him in place. All this jumping up and down will get me seasick. "Enver, my love, are you aware what personal life means? As in personal, private!" I try to emphasise the words while he dares pout at me.

"But I wanna know!" He whines.

I swear, this kid is my age but he acts like a 5-year-old sometimes. Mostly when he wants something.

"Well, you do not get to know because it's personal and we aren't even friends."

"We aren't?" His lovely onyx eyes look crestfallen.

"Nope. Just think about it. When was the last time we hung out together?" I know the answer is never but I want him to reach that conclusion himself.

And then it dawns on him. I can almost see the little gears in his head start working.

"Well, we can be friends now and you will tell me all about him!"

I sigh again, feeling drained already. And it hasn't even been 5 minutes since I entered school grounds. Heck, I'm not even in the building yet! How will I survive 5 hours of questioning and torture?


If my last classes for the day weren't Chemistry and Maths, I would've skipped.

Sincerely, Angel [BxB]Where stories live. Discover now