28 | High on Love | Teo's POV

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"I haven't worked on that one at all!" Drago exclaims as he dries his arms. And I have to try really damn hard not to check him out.

"Sucks to be you. Sabah is already done with the presentation." I keep my eyes trained to the shower pipe ahead of me. Better stare at that than Drago's toned body. Well... not better. Just less awkward.

"You got paired with a nerd?"

I hum in confirmation and close my eyes. Why didn't I think of this sooner? After all, there're many people that shower with their eyes closed. Totally not suspicious at all.

"You lucky dawg!"

I focus on the warm water falling down my face, washing out the tension I feel when I'm around him.

"Well, see you in class," he says before walking away.

I breathe out in relief. This whole friend thing has become much more complicated than it needs to be. He's still very much taken, still unobtainable and I'm still pinning on him like the last moron on Earth. Only now he knows I like him. He hasn't mentioned anything though. Should I pretend that yesterday didn't happen? What was I even thinking? That he'll suddenly forget all about Angel and be with me instead? As if!

"Pitiful." I hear someone say from the spot where Drago was showering not too long ago.

I open my eyes to be caught in Pavel's thoughtful gaze. Pavel and thoughts? I must be in the Twilight Zone! But his jade green eyes bore into mine as if he grasps the entire essence of my very soul.

"Huh? Did you say something?"

"You can cut the sexual tension between you two with a knife and yet he's with that emo boy and you're on your own," Pavel states, not taking his eyes off me. He rakes his hands through his dripping wet hair, smoothing it back.

I focus on his stupid tattoo of a cross, right above his right nipple, just so I don't have to look him in the eyes. I don't like how he's studying my face for a reaction, as if I'm some attraction at a zoo... Pavel the Zookeeper.

"What do you know? Your longest relationship hasn't lasted for more than a week!"

"Two actually," he corrects me as if it's some great achievement. And for him it probably is.

I turn off the shower and dry my hair, thankful it's a good enough excuse not to look him in the eye. Lately, it has gotten harder and harder to keep my mask up around him. Oh, how much I hate that guy!

"So you and Marina are working out?" I ask as I dry my body. Truth be told, I don't care. I'm simply trying to deflect the attention away from me and my non-existent love life.

"Nah, I got bored already." Pavel finally turns away from me.

"Really? Just yesterday you said she was the one!"

"That was yesterday. I was high on sex."

I laugh at that. "If you keep going at this rate, there won't be any girls left you haven't slept with."

"I still haven't done Bahar," he hums.

"Really?" Well, colour me surprised! I thought he did.

"And Sabah," he adds after a little bit of thought.

"And that's it?"

"Yeah..." He actually sounds surprised by himself as well. "I do have taste, you know." He glances at me. "I don't do ugly."

"Sure," I agree with him just for the fuck of it. But yet again, my tastes lately have comprised only of a certain black-haired boy with chestnut brown eyes.

I wrap the towel around my waist. "And what will you do when you run out of girls? Go on repeat?" I lean on the tiled wall, not feeling the least bit ashamed when I check him out. He has a nice body, sure. But Dragomir looks better. He has more muscle mass, his eyes are the exact same colour as mine... Our children will have beautiful eyes. Wait, would I be the biological dad or Drago? Better him. He's taller.

"Try out dudes maybe?"

This statement by itself is incredible enough to snap me out of it. Pavel the Womaniser with a dude?

"And since when are you even into guys?" I laugh.

"I don't know, I haven't tried. Who knows? I might actually like it. It seems to work for Drago and that emo boy, doesn't it?"

Yeah, Drago and Angel do indeed work good together. I sigh and move to leave the bathroom, almost bumping into Enver on my way out.

"Sorry," I mutter steading myself on his shoulder.

"No problem!" He smiles shyly, his onyx brown eyes peering up at me as if he doesn't actually see me. He looks even cuter without his glasses on.

"I guess we'll be late again," Enver states.

"Aren't we always?" I laugh, but it's bitter and forced. Every time I think about Drago and Angel being together, I feel like I'm losing a piece of myself.

I put on my uniform, not really in a hurry, so by the time that I'm done Pavel is already out of the shower and we head together to class. It's not such a big deal. A few more minutes of pretending I like the guy. I can do it!

That's the price of popularity.


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