16 | My Grumpy Angel | Emil's POV

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It feels like a date. I try to remember the last time I went out with Svetla like this but... it was such a long time ago! We're more like friends with benefits than an actual couple. Always busy with our own lives, meeting up only for physical release.

I look at Angel, who in turn is observing the people around us as we line up for our tickets. He has this guarded expression on his pretty face, it makes me want to lean over and kiss the pout out of it. I settle for placing my hand at the small of his back instead. He's my girlfriend's brother. As much as I like to tease him, even I have some limits. Most of the time.

I scan the movie posters above the counter but there's nothing interesting: some kid's movie, a historical one, something about ghosts, a superhero sequel... but that's coming out next week.

The couple in front of us starts kissing and Angel huffs in annoyance. "Can't this line move any faster?"

I move my hand up his back and to his lovely curls and he freezes. At least he's not complaining now.

I brush my fingertips along his beautiful neck, swirling a particularly tempting curl around my forefinger.

"You devil!" He mumbles low enough so only I can hear him. "Stop teasing me!" But I don't. I lean closer to him so our hips are touching and rest my hand over his shoulder.

"Am I bothering you, my Angel?" I whisper in his ear.

He sulks but doesn't respond, the pout on his irresistible lips becoming even more prominent.

"You're so cute when you're grumpy!" I smile as his cheeks start tinting pink.

"I hate you!" He scoffs and I might've believed him if he didn't snuggle even closer, his head easing on my shoulder.

I'm reluctant to let him go when I order our tickets but my wallet is in my right back pocket so... I move my hand down his bicep, trailing it over the small of his back before retrieving it so I can pay for our stuff. The lady at the counter serves us with a charming smile.

I interlace my fingers with Angel's and lead him inside the movie theater. He grumbles something that I can't quite hear.

"Did you say something?" I turn towards him with a raised eyebrow.

"Nothing," he mumbles as he looks at his feet, his jet black bangs shielding his face from view.

"Do you want popcorn or something?"

"Nah, food here costs a fortune!" He lifts his head to look up at me. "Maybe water?"

"Ok." I kiss his fingers with a playful smile before letting go of his hand and getting in line for his water and my popcorn. Maybe I'll get some Cola as well.

It feels like a date.

Why am I smiling like a lunatic? He's just my girlfriend's brother. We aren't dating. It's NOT a date!

But it sure feels like one.

By the time I get our food, I spot him surrounded by three guys, one of them more livid than the other two. Someone is looking for trouble.

I stride towards them and kick the angry one's ankle, trying not to spill my drink and protect my boy at the same time. Angry boy is fuming. "You!" He growls and pushes me back, the top layer of my popcorn falling to the floor.

"Cut it out!" Angel shouts behind me. "You're NOT my bloody BOYFRIEND!"

I kick angry boy in the balls before he manages to do something else. It's a foul move, I know. But my hands are busy and I have no sympathy for the guy.

Sincerely, Angel [BxB]Where stories live. Discover now