32 | Friends Are Family | Drago's POV

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My baby brother regards me with a shy "Hello", after being urged by Sofia, and promptly resumes whatever game he's playing on his tablet without a care in the world.

Krasimir takes after his mother with his soft honey blond hair and big brown eyes. He's dressed in a navy blue blazer suit, looking like a cute little munchkin of a CEO. But who in their right mind would force a child to wear a tie? I would fudging suffocate with a tie around my neck!

Sofia complains about the taxi service. Something about going around the whole city before finding the correct address. I'm sure the guy just wanted to make extra money and she seemed like an easy enough prey.

My father leads his new family towards their bedroom, the one that is always uninhabited, even though the bedroom itself, along with the bathroom and walk-in closets that go with it, take up about one third of the whole first floor.

I have no reason to feel grumpy though. If I asked my grandfather he would've let me move there. I just somehow got attached to my own room already.

Teo arrives first, nearly 20 minutes before the specified time, so we hang out in my room before we're called for dinner.

"He literally said 'Hello' and that was it," I grumble as I change my shirt. I go from red to a navy blue just because I want to be in tone with my brother. "I know I can't expect much from a little kid but what is so interesting about this fudging tablet of his? I thought he would want to play with his big bro or something."

"Do you even know how to play with children?" Teo says.

I think about my childhood which I practically spent watching TV or colouring outside the lines of whichever colour book my nanny at the time let me have.

"We could colour with crayons or something."

I stare at myself in the wardrobe mirror. I look presentable enough. Even handsome. Why am I so nervous? It's the usual family dinner we have almost every night. But this time with more guests. All of them my friends. Nothing to worry about. Only Angel will be here as well and he hasn't met my father yet. Not that I need his approval. Definitely not!

We move downstairs just in time to welcome my boyfriend into the house.

Boyfriend. I like the sound of that.

My boyfriend has been here before. I already gave him a brief tour at my birthday party. One that ended up in my bedroom but still... I don't feel the need to show off with the stupid-ass furniture and plain white walls.

I kiss my Angel hello merely a second before Natalia comes to greet him. She smooches his cheeks like a long-lost relative and I stifle a laugh at the way his eyes widen in horror. I could tell he's not used to affectionate people. Or people at all. For some reason I keep forgetting my baby is a loner. But then something like this happens and he's just so fudging cute while he tries to squirm away from Natalia without offending her that I want to cuddle him some more.

We take our seats around the table, me and my grandfather at our usual spots, while Natalia moves all the way at the end to make room for our guests. Angel sits on my right with Teo right next to him, while my father takes Natalia's usual spot at Filip's left.

My brother is still on his tablet but hey, if they want so much to get him glasses before he even starts school, who am I to judge? It's not like they even consider me as a part of their family.

Honestly, at this point, I feel my father and his wife more like intolerable guests than my actual family.

"Pavel and Goran promised to come as well," I almost whisper in my grandfather's ear.

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