Chapter Eight: The Facility

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Some thing didn't seem right to Chocolate those men and women in the facility were... mechanical. People weren't because people were people. Chocolate went and talked to the Statue again, or perhaps you could call it a Robot seeing as it wasn't carved or shaped it was made with screws bolts nuts and wires plus when you spoke to it light shot out of its eyes and it talked back.

"Excuse me?"

Light shot from the metal statues eyes and it spoke. "What is your purpose?"

"I'd like Bay 16 please."

The metal machine paused, the bay doors slid together, gears turned metal screeched and the bay doors apart.

"Bay 16" spoke the machine the light in its eyes flickered before dying out.

Chocolate walked in through the bay door, she looked into the portals atop the doors that lined the corridors. Inside she saw people sitting in small sparsely furnished rooms, a table a bench and a Tevelvison screen. The inhabitants wore white clothing, their faces were drawn white and very, very sad. From outside the rooms Chocolate could not hear what was being played on the screen but she didn't need to, the pictures told her enough. These people weren't being helped these victims were being brainwashed.

Two men in white T-shirts and black jeans followed behind the black woman with a clipboard from earlier. They approached Chocolate.

"Excuse me Miss?" She spoke.

Chocolate turned from the portal hole to face the woman and her goons. "Yes?" She said sweetly.

"Please leave the facility you are no longer required. You have served your purpose. Please leave the facility." The woman said her voice measured and monotonous.

Yeah right, like she was going to do that, leave the facility, sure thing Miss angry pants. Chocolate cracked her knuckles (for no other reason than she thought it sounded cool)

"Where is Johnny?"

The woman and her goons were unphased by Chocolate's knuckle cracking and proceeded to respond in their calm monotonous speaking.

"Johnny has been taken care of. Johnny has been saved."

"Yes but where is he? " Chocolate asked frustrated.

"Johnny has been taken care of. Johnny has been saved. Johnny is being stored in the correction facility. You will leave now." As the woman finished speaking the two men standing behind her made to escort chocolate out of the building.

Chocolate stepped out of there way, something fishy was going on her and she was going to find out what.

The facility men made the first move. Big bold ugly 1 reached out to grab Chocolate, she dodge grabbed his arm and broke it. Then jumped towards B2 kicking him in the chest.

B1 came up behind her grabbing her around the waist with his good arm. His broken arm hung at a ninety degree angle to the break. He looked like Mr. Rubber man. Chocolate pulled her knife from her pocket and stabbed it into the B1's chest. B1 let her go.

B2 Stood up and charged at her, she grabbed his shirt and judo flipped him into the lady with the clip board, they hit the ground and crumbled. B1 stood up and pulled the knife out of his chest, no blood came out of the wound.

"You serious?" Chocolate said staring at the hole.

B1 advanced on Chocolate swing the knife at her. She rolled backwards and pulled her gun out of her pocket, pointed it at his head and pulled the trigger.

"Grow that one back Baldy" she said.

B2 and clip board woman were standing back up. Chocolate shot B2s head off sending him to where ever his friend was, if they were even human.

Clip board lady managed to stand up she looked straight at chocolate her eyes blank and devoid of all emotion.

"Tell me where Johnny is" said chocolate.

Clipboard lady said nothing.

Chocolate grabbed her arm and held her in a lock against the wall. She pressed against the back of her neck.


A panel shot to the side revealing wires and cords. A few moments later and Chocolate had downloaded the machines brain. A few moments more and the machines brain had been decrypted and reprogrammed thanks to head quarters in Russia.

"Tell me where Johnny is?" Chocolate asked again.

"Holding cell number 14672" The machine said.

"Thank you" said Chocolate, she blew the machines head off just for fun.

Locating holding cell number 14627 was easier then she thought. Surprisingly she didn't encounter any more guards, this worried chocolate. Johnny was lying in his room in white clothing watching the same screen that everyone else was watching, the wound at his side appeared to be fixed.

"Hello? You again? Help me !" Johnny said rushing up to chocolate as she opened the door of his cell.

"K, come with me and take this." Chocolate handed him a gun.

"K thanks lady." Johnny said.

The two set of down the hall way Johnny following behind Chocolate.

Chocolate turned to Johnny, "Actually maybe its better if you walk in front" she said eyeing the gun in his hand.

"O ok cay Miss Fighting woman you are my hero!"

Chocolate and Johnny walked down the hallways then 50 of the bald men were there they all had guns and ran at chocolate but chocolate was too fast for them she was like the bad ass ninja in all the movies, she dodged every single bullet and hit all the ones aimed for Johnny out of the way with her Kanata. Bullets rained everywhere there were smoke dust and debris after fives short seconds all fifty of the men were dead. Chocolate and Johnny walked over the piles of bodies and out the two large bay doors.

"Well I think that that's all of them then. Well I'll hop on a plane then head back to Russia." Said Chocolate.

Johnny looked at chocolate desperation on his face. "But, what about me? Remember me? I just murdered my all of my friends and my girl friend too probably what'll happen to me now? Am i supposed to just leave my job and my life her in Japan in an instant after I've found out about this secret origination where people get brain washed?" Johnny took a long breath. "Is that it?"

Chocolate turned to look at Johnny, she looked pretty epic her Kanata hanging from her side her gun in the other hand her blonde hair blowing in the wind (Who knows where it came from) "Yes. That's it."

Johnny and Chocolate drove away in their future self driving car and the complex know as Facility 13 blew up in a ball of fire .


Twenty four hours later some where in Russia.

"What!"Nicholas slammed his hands down on the table "You blew up the Japanese head quarters? For one man? Just 'Because what they were doing was wrong'? Do you know how many lives you cost Japan?"

Chocolate started at the ground the metal chair she was sitting in was getting uncomfortable. "Yes, but they started it-" Chocolate was interrupted by Nicholas yelling.

"I don't care who bloody dam well started it! You've cost us an alliance with Japan. Not only that but the very lives you where trying to save you detonated! In a fire ball!" Nicholas ragged.

She was defiantly going to be fired.

"Your demoted Chocolate, demoted"

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Nov 05, 2015 ⏰

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