Chapter Seven: Bay 16

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Chapter 8

The car pulled up in front a large white rectangle building the doors were metal and there were no windows, the adjacent buildings were all the same. Beyond them warehouses all empty for a three miles radius.

Snow was falling from the sky, the ground covered in a thick ankle high layer, when Chocolate carried an unconscious Johnny to the doors of the large white building. She spoke a few words in Japanese and the doors opened. Inside large white room empty except for a metal statue of a woman on the far side of the room. Behind her two bay doors.

Chocolate walked into the empty room her feet echoing on the white plastic flooring. When she reached the bay doors the statues eyes lit up.

"Welcome to Facility 13. Please request a bay number." The machines voice was hard clipped and synthesised.

Chocolate replied to the machine "Bay 16"

The light from the machines eyes flicked, loud clanking and whirring could be heard behind the bay doors, the sound of gears moving, a sound like a thousand shipping containers being moved.

"Bay 16"

The large interlocking bay doors slid open behind them were two more doors that slid upwards and behind them a third set of door that fell backwards.

The light in the machines eyes dimmed.

The room beyond the doors was a hallway, doors lined the hall way, the doors had windows at their tops people were walking in white suites with clip boards in their hands. At the every five doors was a new hall way.

Chocolate walked into bay 16 still carrying Johnny. A woman approached her." What is your purpose?" she said.

"This man has been controlled by a artefact, he needs medical attention and psychicloocial treatment as well as help getting back on with his life." Chocolate said.

The woman's eyes dimmed, she looked off into the distance, some point above chocolates head. After a short pause she said "We can take care of him. He will be taken care of."

Two men dressed in white coats their arms bulging with muscles walked over to Chocolate. They took Johnny from her hands and carried him down a hallway. Chocolate watched take him into the one of the rooms on the side of the hallway.

Chocolate turned to the short woman, she had her tied back in a braided ponytail all of her clothes were crisp and clean, they were exact precise.

"You will be leaving now?" The woman asked.

Chocolate looked at the woman. "No, I have an artefact to destroy."

"Artefacts are destroyed at Bay 11." The woman said.

Chocolate turned around with a pout on her face, she left the woman (who she highly suspected was in fact a machine and not a woman at all) and proceeded back into the terminal room, the big white room with a metal statue.

"You, Statue take me to Bay 11." Demanded Chocolate.

The machine responded to Chocolates voice immediately, its eyes lit up blue light flickered out across the room.

"Bay 11." The machine said in a synthesised feminine voice.

Behind the machine the bay doors shut, first two bay doors lying on the ground swung up into place, then two more slid down from the ceiling and finally, the last dors slid shut from left and right.

Then the doors went through the whole laborious process all over again. When they'd finally finished a large (yes every room in here seems to be large) well lit room waited on the other side, though really it was too large to be called a hall, it's more like a cavern and right in its centre lay a incinerator.

Chocolate walked through the bay doors, her feet clanging loudly on the sliver metal. When she reached the incinerator in the middle of the room she pulled a sliver plastic bag out of her backpack. Inside the bag, the brown bear. Careful not to look at it Chocolate extracted it and placed it in the incinerator. Hot purple fire shot up into the air, the job was done.

Chocolate: Search and DestroyWhere stories live. Discover now