Chapter Five: A sticky Situation

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Chapter 6

Chocolate sat in her car, waiting outside of Johnny Wakashima's House. She'd been waiting for three hours and the most exciting thing she'd seen was tumbleweed. Minutes ticked by with nothing happening.

The cars digital display flashed to life. "An incident has been reported. Twenty six deaths at the Lalas Honey Factory twenty minutes drive."

Chocolate sprung to attention. On the computers display the honey factory was marked on a map. "What is the nature of the incident?" Chocolate asked.

"Twenty six deaths, at 15:06 a man broke into the factory. Japanese police arrived at 15:24. Japanese investigators are due to arrive at 15:42" Watson in his synthesized voice.

Chocolate nodded, even though there was no one to nod too. "Take me too Lalas Honey Factory"


Chocolate approached the factory quietly. She pushed on the factories large double door, they swung open easily. Inside the factory everything was quite. The smell of raw meat mixed with two thousand litters of honey filled the air. Chocolate had to stop herself from gagging and held up her gun.

It was easy for her to find Johnny all she had to do was follow the dead bodies. He was standing atop a vat in the middle of the factory, staring into empty space, the brown bear was in his right hand splashing about in the vat.

Chocolate walked silently past a conveyer belt. She put away her gun. Johnny may have done some bad things but she couldn't kill him, wouldn't kill him, while the bear was controlling his mind.

She had all most reached the service ladder when the bear stopped splashing. From his position on top of the vat Johnny slowly turned around. His eyes dull and completely black. He titled his head listening to something only he could hear. In his left hand a blade caught the light of the factory.

"Johnny, you're under arrest." Chocolate said, her voice echoing through the silent factory.

Johnny turned around and began to descend down the service ladder.

Chocolate squinted her eyes at Johnny, what's he trying to do? Chocolate tried to remember what she could about the bear, she'd done some research in the car. All she'd manage to find out was that Teddy bears had been named after Theodor the 27th president of America.

Johnny stared walking towards chocolate his hands in the air above his head.

She stepped back keeping several paces between Johnny and herself.

"Put Down the knife Johnny." Chocolate said speaking slowly.

Johnny stopped walking forward and smiled. "O-okay!" Johnny's voice was high pitched and childish, he sounded like Dorothy the dinosaur on velum.

Chocolate stood still waiting for him to drop the Knife, seconds went by a few car horns blared in the distant, a bird landed on the roof. Johnny turned his head slightly then threw his knife straight at Chocolate.

Chocolate was ready she dodged to the left and grabbed Johnny's knife.

"Bad move Johnny" murmured chocolate.

Johnny ran through the factory dashing under pipes, jumping over conveyer belts moving too fast, too agile for the body he owned. Chocolate followed behind him, she threw his knife after him aiming for the brown ear. She missed instead she got Johnny in the chest.

"Oh. Fuck."

Johnny lay on the ground of the factory a knife from the resturrant pricing his lungs.

Chocolate walked up behind him, from the bag on her bag she pulled a smaller sliver bag out, it folded out from the size of a napkin to as large as garbage bag. She then slipped on a silver glove and slowly approached the bear lying next to Johnny. The bear lay still on the ground as chocolate hand moved towards it. Just as she was about to pick it up Johnny's hand twitched flicking the bear the right way up. Chocolate who had been starting intently, now looked derectly into the bear face, in the middle of his face, two large brown black disk, they drew chocolate in images flashed before here, images of a small young boy holding the bear, playing in the woods with a real bear. Chocolate started to feel dizzy. She fell forward and her gloved hand touched the bear. The instant it touched the bear a wave of purple light sprang over the bear. Chocolates vision returned to normal, with haste she put the brown bear into the sliver bag.

Johnny still lay on the floor his breathing was ragged blood pouring out of the wound in his chest, Chocolate wasn't sure if he was going to make it.

"Oh, I'm so sorry" Chocolate said putting her hands to her face.

Johnny tried to say something. His eyes had turned back to their normal state, dark brown streaked with green lines.

"No its all right don't try to talk." Said Chocolate. She moved forward and pulled a blue syringe from her backpack. She stabbed it against his chest, a hiss of compressed air left the cylinder as the blue liquid emptied in the area around Johnny's wounded chest. His breathing slowed down, the blood flowing from his wound lessened. Chocolate pulled the knife out of his chest. She squeezed super glue over the gap in his lungs sealing it shut.

Sure she wasn't about to win a noble prize, but the glue should keep Johnny alive until she could get him to someone who could help.

Johnny was heavy, eighty kilos heavy, Chocolate carried him as easily as a army ant carries coco pops. She carried him through the factory, to her vehicle waiting in the car park.

She was surprised at just how many dead bodies filled the factory, the bear was really blood thirsty. Nobody had bothered to turn any of the equipment off (They were all getting fired when the boss wakes, oh wait his dead. And so are they.) Honey had started to leak over the Factory floor. She stopped just in front of it, on the other side of the pool of honey was the Double doors, her way out of here. She didn't really want to walk through the honey but... Shit blows... Chocolate walked through the puddle honey sticking to her shoes leaving a trail of golden liquidised flower nectar behind her.

In the car park her vehicle waited for her, one quick whistle and it drove and parked in front of her, its doors opening. She placed Johnny inside the back of the car before jumping in herself.

"Take us to Facility 13 "

The car drove of into the night leaving the honey factory behind it.

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