Chapter Three : The Truth

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Her car was waiting when she came running down the street, she waved her thumb passed the scanner on its side, the only person that could open it was her, unless of course someone chopped of her hand. Or maybe they'd just use her thumb.

"Take me to Blank"

"I'll happily oblige" the car responded, it's engine blurring to life along with the display, the car drove its self along the road pulling out into the heavy traffic of Japan.

Chocolate sighed watching the streets of Japan pass by her window, she hated attending investigations like theses, when she signed up as a detective it wasn't for things like this. She'd done it for the thrill of solving a puzzle not the grizzly murders, even worse most of the time the murders were committed by innocent people, like the man in the restaurant compelled to murder by strange artefacts from the long ago past.

"Watson, what can you tell me about the man in the restaurant?" chocolate asked the car.

A screen in the middle of the car flashed to life, a picture of the youths at the restaurant taken from Chocolates phone was displayed on it's screen.

"Oh, sometimes I forget you're not human." Said chocolate reaching out a selecting the man holding the Teddy bear.

The image was uploaded on to Cibill The Japanese data base, it had newly been introduce on it, all the jobs, faces and names of every occupant and citizen in Japan. And thanks to everyone taking pictures with their androids , uploading them to varies social networking sites tagging them with the names of the people who owned the faces Cybill was able to identify people from their photos with just a click of a button, of course sometimes it got it wrong.

"Johnny Warehouse,, town of birth; Onawa job; Carpenter currently lives with three flat mates; Sanga washi, Pashi Washi and Nashi Rashi." Watson, the name of chocolates car replied.

"Watson, Can you tell me anything about his flat mates?"

Watson was quite for a few moments, on the digital display three files were brought up."Pashi, Washi , And Rashi have recently been proclaimed dead on Date."

Chocolate leaned back in her chair "Watson, Thankyou"

"Your welcome" the car replied.

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