Chapter 2 : The Steel Boots of the Law

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Chapter 3

Footsteps thudded up the stairs, heavy steel capped boots of the Japanese law enforcement. Koosar flowed behind his superior officer, they had been placed in charge of the investigation of the murder of eleven young youths. They had just arrived when the police officers in charge of the original investigation had reported a strange orange light on the third floor of the building, apparently a young European woman had been sighted entering the building through the alley way.

   "Justin, what do you think the Europeans would want with this?" Koosar puffed out.

   "Hmm. . .  I'm not Sure Koosar honestly , If they've sent another agent here things will not look good for them"

   "Right you are boss things won't look good for them at all." Koosar said "But if it is them, then it confirms it." Koosar finished.

   "Yes, koosar I think so too."

   Justin reached down, placing his hand on the door handle to the third floor, turning to face Koosar he said "It can only be an artefact"

Justin opened the door to the third floor. Inside the room was dark and poorly lit, Koosar turned on his flash light pointing it around the room. It looked to him like an ordinary restaurant floor, tables chairs. . . And dead bodies lying in the middle of the room.

    "Gee Boss this has got to be the worst I've ever seen"

A soft creaking noise startled Koosar.


He'd turned around just in time to see the face of a blonde woman shutting the door they'd come through.

  "Damit! After her!" Justin shouted.

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