Chapter 164 ~ (Faith)ful Meeting

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AN: I wish you all Happy Chinese New Year for all who celebrate and happy valentines~!!  Though we may be in these unfortunate circumstances, I hope you all have a great holiday and weekend!!!! 

In a grand office with plenty of old books kept neatly on the shelves, an old man in a pure white robe with golden embroideries sat before a large, mahogany desk. Atop of it was a pile of documents regarding various matters of the church that needed his acknowledgment, agreement, and most importantly, signature.

Standing silently in front of the desk was a priestess in a white and gold nun's outfit, waiting patiently for him to finish signing them.

After a while, the old man finally finished duty and put down his quil before leaning back to his chair. Once his back touched the back of his chair, a heavy sigh escaped him and his tense body began to relax.

"I wonder. Has she arrived in Arcadia?"

The figure of his granddaughter appeared in his mind when he rested his tired eyes. She was his little angel, the golden apple to his eyes, his pride and joy. For her to be this far from him was something he never wanted to think about before. This was the first time in her life that she has been outside the gates of the church, and he couldn't stop worrying for her.

"I believe so, your holiness. It has been two weeks since the Holy Saintess's departure. Even if we consider her... tendencies to lose her bearings, we have assigned many holy knights and paladins for her protection as well and I am sure that the Goddess and the blessing She imparted upon her will lead her to her destination."

The golden-haired priestess in white said with a soft smile on her lips.

"Hohoho, that is true. But as her grandfather, I can't help but worry. She knew not the dangers of the outside world, and her tendency to trust someone so easily makes me very worried. Confined in this church all his life and surrounded by pious and kindhearted priests and priestesses, she had not experienced any of the evil in this world. Yet, she insisted on going to Arcland to investigate the "Divine Presence" we felt that day herself and find the "man of her dreams" who kept appearing in her sleep ever since then. Even if the blessings granted by the Goddess will protect her, I simply can't help but worry for her safety."

"...I understand your feelings, your holiness. In truth, I too am very worried for her safety. All of us are. That is why many of us chose to drown ourselves in our duties in hopes that we can distract our minds from worrying about the Holy Saintess."

To the Church, she was not only the holy saintess and the embodiment of purity and innocence. She was much, much more than that. Her kindness and her smile had saved more people than she could ever have imagined. By just being by their side, she had saved many from their darkness and helped them see the beauty of life. Evelyn was one of such people. She was someone who was saved by her light.

When life seemed to hate her and fate had led her to a path full of thorns and sadness, she appeared with her brilliant smile and dragged her out of her miserable life into the life of happiness she knew now. Her kindness, innocence, and purity had restored her belief in humanity; that everyone, no matter how small, has kindness in their heart. That if she believes in them, then she also wanted to believe in the humanity she believes in.

"Hohoho, I see. Hearing that makes me happy. I hope all of you will continue to take care of her."

"Of course, your holiness. We have vowed to protect the Holy Saintess in the name of Goddess Celestine."

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