Chapter 153 ~ Alliance

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AN: Happy thanksgiving~!!! I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving celebration! Wish you have a great day and week ahead of all of you~!!!! 

The next day.

Leon woke up in his "Futon", the traditional bed of Bestia which consisted of a mattress and a duvet. It is different from the beds in Arcland in which the mattress is set right above the tatami floors instead of a bed frame that was fixed in place. Futons can be placed away and the now free space can be used for other activities in contrast to Arcland's bed which was not meant to be moved around.

Right after he woke up, he felt a soft, warm feeling on top of him. Leon lifted up his duvet covers and found a head with silver hair on his chest.

The head squirmed slightly the moment he lifted up his covers and she nuzzled herself even more to his chest and tightened her arms around him.

Leon smiled helplessly and began stroking her beautiful silver hair while he wrapped his other hand around her tiny waist.


"Char, it's morning."


"Let's get up and get ready for the day."



Leon sweatdropped at his little sister's behavior. Though she was replying to him, she hadn't even moved a muscle and was falling asleep again. He had to admit, she was extremely cute right now and he would've been fine letting her sleep again and watch her. Unfortunately, he needed to get ready for the meeting with Bestia's royal family. So he had no choice but to wake this cute cinnamon roll-up.

Leon poked her marshmallow cheeks, causing Charlotte to squirm on his chest, and then used a line that would be super effective to have her wake up.

"We'll miss breakfast at this rate, you know? If you wake up now, I'll let you sit on my lap during breakfast."

Not even a few moments later, Charlotte immediately sat up, straddling Leon's stomach, and rubbed her eyes sleepily. She was swaying left and right, obviously still not fully awake. Even though she had more than enough sleep already, sleeping on Leon's chest made her sleepier than usual since it was very comfortable. And once she fell asleep on her brother, it was extremely difficult for her to wake up.

Leon sat up and started stroking her head gently.

"Good girl. Now let's get ready and go for breakfast. I'll carry you to Freya so she could help you get ready, okay?"

Charlotte nodded her head and let Leon carry her while she wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. The two then head to Freya's room, both of them still in their night yukata.

When they arrived, Leon tried sensing Freya's magical signature to see if she was already awake. Fortunately, she was so Leon knocked on the wooden part of her door.

"Freya, it's me."

"Eh, darling? One moment please~"

A few moments later, Freya slid open the door for Leon. She was also still wearing her night yukata which was provided by the servants of the castle, but compared to Leon and Charlotte's disheveled yukata, hers was still neatly worn.

"Good morning, darling~ Eh, Char?"

Freya looked towards the silver-haired girl who was clinging onto her darling like a baby koala.

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