Chapter 197 ~ Raid - After

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After the uneventful and unpleasant raid, Leon returned to Misteltien under the guise of the dark sky.

He had already announced the end of operation and issued the order to return to headquarters to all teams in the other four locations by infusing a tiny amount of divinity to the crystal in his bracelet, causing it to shine gold.

During the time he was assigning colors to his orders, Illya once asked how he turned it gold. Leon answered, telling her he used a high level light element spell.

As vague of an answer as it was, Illya fortunately didn't inquire further and accepted his answer. After all, she knew how common sense didn't work on her lord, as Lady Mia had told her on multiple occasions during her magic training. Thus, she had an easier time accepting it.

Leon arrived in Misteltein and went into the meeting room. Within, Illya, Evelyn, Kyle, and several other members of Misteltein were present. They welcomed him with a reverent bow.

"Welcome back, my lord. We are glad to see you return safely."

Illya said with a relieved smile on her lips, representing everyone in the room.

"Thank you. I've received the signal of their success, but did any of the other teams face any problems during their operation?"

"No. None of them encountered the "Four Claws of Hydra's" or their subordinates during their operations, so they were able to capture the base smoothly."

"I see. We are indeed very lucky to find all four claws of hydra and their subordinates in their main base."

All of their eyes widened in shock for a moment.

While the four claws of hydra and their subordinates were by no means very strong, together, they could pose a threat even to Hilde's elite guard team. Each of the four claws have the strength equivalent to a B-ranked adventurer, and their subordinates were at least on par with C-ranked adventurers.

If they teamed up with their years of collaboration and working together, Hilde's elite guard team might even found themselves in great trouble.

However, Leon had returned here the fastest, despite facing the greatest obstacle in their plan, with no signs of injury, tiredness, or mana exhaustion.

They couldn't help but be reminded once again of how much of a... a monster their lord was.

Even when they've become stronger, they still couldn't see the summit of his strength. The only thing that has become more clear, was the fact that it was even more unfathomable.

He was... truly an exceptional individual.

"Have we signalled our allies for the completion of our operation?"

"Yes, we have signalled the rest of Prince Tsukuyomi's agents to take care of the aftermath."

"Good. The responsibility as well as credits of this incident will now fall to Bestia's government, as we've planned. There is no need for us to dip our feet further. But keep maintaining vigilance and watch their movements. While we could trust the royal family, we do not know what Prince Tsukuyomi's hound dogs would do to us."

""Yes, my lord!""

"Mm. For now, I've retrieved a few documents from their base related to us. Illya, Evelyn, please analyze it and determine the impact it would cause to our business on the basis that it is known to the underground society."

"As you command."

"Yes, my lord~"

Leon nodded and continued.

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