Chapter 126.2 ~ Team Match

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AN: Hope you guys enjoy this team match!!! Have a great day and week ahead of you~!!!!!!!!

"The match between Class 3 and Class 7 shall begin shortly. Participants, please prepare in the waiting room."

Leon and his students had arrived in the waiting room when they heard the announcement. Amaterasu, Cecily, Kierk, and Julius were already doing their final preparations with their equipment and staff with Tina's help. Altria was already in her standard armor equipment with a katana strapped on her hip. She was currently meditating on the couch.

A few moments later, they were called by the academy's staff and were escorted to the main arena.

Unlike the days before, they didn't feel as nervous. The matches before have made them used to the atmosphere and instilled them with confidence. Though they were still vigilant and didn't underestimate their opponents in the least, they were comparably more relaxed. The strategy they've prepared and the trust they've built between them was enough to make them feel confident of victory.

Leon silently led his students, and as they approached the main arena, they could hear loud sounds of cheers and applause.

When they entered the main arena, the sounds became numerous times louder, booming around the entire arena.

They saw Class 3 and their homeroom teacher on the opposite side of the arena. They all had a very serious and determined expression. Despite the odds they were facing, not a single one of them showed weakness or signs of giving up, something many might feel when against an opponent far more powerful than themselves.

With firm and confident steps, they approach the center of the arena and Leon and his students followed suit. Even though the two classes were still far from each other, the tense atmosphere had reached even the audience's seat.

When they reached the center, both classes bowed and shook hands.

"May the best win, Sir Misteltein."

"Likewise, Sir Tygrya."

The homeroom of Class 3, Archid von Tygrya, was a large, muscular man. He was almost similar to Gardner, though slightly younger, in that he exuded the look and aura of a warrior. He was a talented and skilled mage with an affinity to the earth element. Due to his innate physical strength and skill with a sword, he was one of the rare magic casters that could fight head-on with a knight.

Leon could expect that his students would have been trained on how to deal with a swordsman up close. Normally, this would've caused some slight issue to the strategy Silverius had concocted, but he had also put this fact into consideration.

None of Class 3's members were equipped with a melee weapon, thus none would be able to defeat or even halt Altria's advance. Even if they were ready to fire spells at her from a close range, Altria would be protected by her <<Mobile Wind Wall>>. Moreover, Amaterasu wouldn't let such a thing happen and risk endangering Altria in the first place, thus she would also aid her.

Amaterasu and the others were also aware of this fact. Their victory seemed almost certain, but Class 3 might do something unexpected so they wouldn't let their guard down. Even though Silverius had devised many alternative strategies depending on the flow of battle, they must not be transfixed by the existing strategy and be ready to come up with new plans.

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