Chapter 234 ~ A Change... Little by Little

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As the night grew later, Arthur, Seara, Alviss, and Mavis returned to their rooms for a night's rest, while Leon and the others also went and prepared for their night's stay in the royal palace.

They all took their baths and Leon returned to his room to meditate and train his control over his divinity as usual. Rafael, Alex, Mia, Laura, Vincent, and Victoria, on the other hand, gathered in the married couple's room to share a drink together.

The peaceful and quiet night had fallen upon the entire royal palace... Except for one room.

Within Aria's room, Leon's lovers, Celestine, as well as the four demon lords have gathered for a Leon's Bride Conference royal palace edition.

They all sat on the couches around the sizeable coffee table at the center where many pots and cups of tea, as well as plates upon plates of little sweets prepared by the royal patissier, were placed upon.

"Ufufufu~ Here, Char~ Open wide~"


"Is it delicious~?"



Celestine giggled happily as she pampered her daughter just like how his son would. She hugged her tiny figure sitting on her lap while feeding her sweets and watched as Charlotte munched on it with a blissful expression on her face.

Meanwhile, Aura and Vivian were also stuffing their faces while sittin

g by her side. To be surrounded by such adorable little cuties, it's no wonder that her son melted from their cuteness.

"That sounds tough..."

Aria said as she turned towards Vyra.

"It is certainly a challenge. However, with my liege's command and our cooperation, we were able to overcome the training against two floor bosses. Lily, Mia, Rafael, Irene, and Jeanne have also become stronger with each training. At this rate, I believe we could complete our mission without much difficulty.

Vyra replied in a matter-of-fact manner before taking a sip of her tea.

"That's amazing... M-May I join in your training as well?! I-It doesn't have to be when you are training with a floor boss. I-I'd like to receive insights for my swordsmanship if you have the time!"

Iris leaned forward in expectation after hearing how hard her beloved, sisters, and friends are training. She didn't want to lose! She wants to be stronger too so she could protect Aria and fight alongside her beloved!

"Hehe~ Of course you can~ Darling will teach you happily when he's free~"

"R-Really? Ehehehe... I look forward to it. I-I will ask him myself later on!"

Irene giggled like a little girl as she began fidgeting with her hands. Just the thought of being able to train with Leon and be under his guidance made her very giddy and excited.

"Ufufufu~ Then may we visit the manor in a few days~?"

"Of course! How about you surprise darling~? He's been working very hard recently to improve his control over his divinity. I bet he's training even now in his own room. So let's have him take a break when you come! Will that be okay, mom?"

Freya turned to look at Celestine who was feeding Charlotte a cookie with her fingers.

"Ufufufu~ Of course~ Leon has been a very good boy, after all~ He's been training every day and improved his control tremendously~ Right, girls~?"

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