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I listen intently to the noise happening within the portal. A third voice appeared not long ago, and he sounded uncomfortably like the man I saw through the Moment's eyes—the Doctor I never met. Now there are many more voices, all of which sound confrontational. Anxiety eats away at me because I can't even see my husband, let alone help him if he's in trouble.

Kate walks back over to my side, putting her phone back in her pocket, and I say, "I think there's three of them now."

She leans closer to me and replies, "There's a precedent for that."

I raise my eyebrows, wondering how typical it is to have three Doctors in one place at the same time, but one of the unfamiliar voices shouts in horror, "What is that?"

I look at Kate, and she clamps her hand over her mouth, eyes wide.

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