Chapter 7- The Serum

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I woke up the next morning after having more strange dreams, the sun barely peaking when I woke.

Unlocking my handcuffs, I stood up, stretching out my muscles.

Lightly walking to the bathroom, I had a quick shower, knowing it would be my chance for the next two days.

As soon as I stepped out of the bathroom, Galina was waiting for me, folded clothes in hand.

"These are for you to wear. They are made of a special material that will help with the transition to being a super soldier," she said, and I took the clothes, giving her a nod.

As I turned, she let out a gasp.

"Your back, the scars, the tattoo," she said, as it was visible over my towel.

"Yes?" I asked, curious about her distraught face.

"You were branded, and majorly scarred by them," she said, and I raised an eyebrow.

"What did you think they were?" I replied, my eyes boring into her.

"I knew they trained you for this, but I never knew they went this far."

"How else would we be so good?"

Turning around, I went to get changed, leaving her silent.

However, before I stepped inside, I turned back.

"Do not voice your concerns. It will only get you killed," I said, leaving her again.

Getting changed into the cotton tank and shorts, I pulled my hair back into a bun, seeming normal but not at the same time.

The clothes were so much softer than I was used to, and my hair was softer as well.

It was so nice.

Walking back out, Galina was waiting with a rather large bag, and a phone in hand.

"Our ride is here," she said, walking to the door.

"They didn't give you any shoes to wear, so pick whatever," she said, but I shook my head.

"I will go without," I replied, and she nodded, opening the front door so that we could both go out.

We walked silently down the hallway, no sound in any of the other apartments because it was so early in the morning.

I could feel the slight chill of the sidewalks on my bare feet, although it didn't bother me.

There was a simple black car waiting outside, with tinted windows.

We both got into the back, the driver soon leaving.

It took about an hour, and going to a darker side of town until we stopped, the male driver opening our doors.

The building looked abandoned, with boarded up windows, and overgrown trees.

However, once we made it inside, there was a hidden passage through two bookcases, which lead downstairs.

The house smelled greatly of dust, but the elevator did not, instead smelling like Lysol.

I did not ask questions, staying silent.

The man had two handguns on his waist, as well as a knife in the back of his belt.

The elevator continued to go down, and I wondered how far down it was.

Shortly after thinking this, the doors opened, a hallway leading to a lab.

I followed them down, waiting silently.

Madame was in the lab once we got there, and I bowed my head respectfully.

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