Chapter 3- Flash Thompson

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My eyes snapped open as the obnoxious sound filled my ears, and I stared at the annoying alarm clock

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My eyes snapped open as the obnoxious sound filled my ears, and I stared at the annoying alarm clock.

I hit it quickly, standing up off of the floor.

Grabbing my clothes that I would need for the day, heading to the bathroom.

Galina was not up yet, which wasn't surprising.

How they hadn't killed her for being so lazy shocked me, but I was stuck with her for the time being.

Once I undressed, I turned the water as cold as it would go, before stepping in.

The frozen water woke me up, getting all of my senses working.

It was around the same temperature as the water at the Red Room, except this water was a little warmer.

They didn't bother heating the glacier fed water; if you didn't want a cold shower, you went without.

Everyone very quickly adjusted.

It didn't take long for me to shower, it never really had.

Drying myself off quickly, I put my medium length dark hair in the towel to dry.

Even the towels were nicer here; the soft, fluffy fabric made me feel like a princess.

I put on my underclothes, even those were new and fit me, before putting on the dark wash skinny jeans, along with the grey knit sweater.

It felt so unnatural, all of these things that I now had.

None of my other missions had been like this; most of the time I was in my black stealth clothing, or my regular grey clothing.

I ran my hands over it once more, before pulling my long hair out of the towel.

It has mostly dried, and I quickly brushed it out, the slightly damp hair having some tangles in it.

Pulling it up, I put in up the only I knew how, into a perfect ballet bun.

I gathered up my sleepwear and towel in my arms, leaving the washroom.

Galina was standing in the kitchen, making something that smelled amazing.

Not that I would tell her that.

I went back to the room I was staying in, folding the clothes neatly and putting them away.

Grabbing my favorite knife and sheath, I tied it around my waist, slipping the knit sweater over top.

I tucked it in to avoid suspicion, before leaving the simple room.

"Good morning. I have a backpack here for you to take to school, and there are some shoes by the door that will fit you." She explained, flipping a couple of round things in a pan.

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