Chapter 8- Anytime Peter

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Peter's POV:

Anna had been away all weekend for the doctors appointments, although I couldn't help but wonder if there was something else going on.

Perhaps she was really sick, although I couldn't see it from looking at her.

Or maybe she had a family emergency, and she just didn't want me to know just yet.

That's probably it.

I just have to work to gain her trust a bit more.

Getting out of bed, I quickly got dressed, grabbing my spider suit and throwing it in my backpack.

I was going to my Stark internship today.

Leaving my room, I saw that May had already left, off to work nice and early today.

Grabbing some food, I soon left, going to grab Anna for school.

Knocking on her door, I waited for her to open it, lightly hopping on the balls of my feet as I stood there.

She opened the door, her long brown hair tucked neatly in a bun as always.

My spider senses were going crazy, more crazy then normal, and I was working every ounce of my body to not pin her and as her why they were going off.

Either, I would get my ass handed back to me, or I would scare her.

Neither option seemed like a good one.

"How are you doing Anna?" I asked her, and she gave me that sweet smile of hers.

"I am well, and yourself?" She replied, adjusting the schoolbag on her shoulders as she walked.

"I am doing pretty good. How did your doctors appointments go?"

"They went good. Perfectly healthy," she replied, her honey eyes studying the hallway.

She tended to do that a lot, although you wouldn't notice if you weren't studying her.

She would take in everything about her surroundings, so she wouldn't be surprised about anything.

"Well that's good," I replied, and we walked out onto the street.

The conversation mostly stopped, due to the loudness of the street.

It was interesting to watch as she studied everyone, so quickly in fact, that you could easily miss it.

Perhaps I was making something out of nothing.


Annika's POV:

The plan was ready.

I would take the next step to Peter trusting me, although he didn't know it just yet.

And, after this, I would be able to trick him into calling for help from Natalia, and I would bring her home.


I had to work to walk a normal pace as we went through the hallways, as the serum almost made it unnoticeable to me that I was going faster.

"Anna!" Squealed Bailey, coming over and giving me a hug.

Surprised at the affection, I didn't quite know what to do, although after a second I reached my arms up around her too.

"So, I noticed that you left the party early. Where did you go?" She asked, not noticing how much that hug affected me.

"I walked home. It was really loud, so Peter and I both decided to go home." I responded, and we kept walking home to my locker.

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