Heavenly intoxication.

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Trying something new today! Alesandra’s P.o.v.! :D

WARNING! This chapter may contain a few gory scenes that may make you uncomfortable! (This is a vampire story you know?) This chapter may contain slight cannibalism(?), blood, mentions of anorexia, self-harm, very slight sexual content, and triggers.



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 And most importantly……. Enjoy!

Chapter Eight.

 Heavenly intoxication.

 “Your highness, May I ask where you are going at this hour?” A nosey guard at the door questioned suspiciously, not letting her pass.

“Out, if Drake asks for me give him this, it explains everything” She handed him a burgundy envelope with a Dryland wax seal.

The guard looked like he was about to protest but she pushed him out of the way, throwing her black hood over her head.

She preferred burgundy cloaks or capes but tonight she wanted to be concealed by the night.

“Your highness..!” The guard called, but with the raise of her hand the two grand doors slammed closed and locked from the inside out.

No one was getting in or out of that castle tonight.


 Drake sighed as he climbed down one of the two staircases to the grand entry way.

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