I may not let go

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Just a little announcement for you guys, I have a pinterest board on pinterest for A night with Dracula so you there’s a link on the side if you want to follow it :)

Warnings!: Slight sexual content






And most importantly… ENJOY

Chapter Fourteen.

I May Not Let Go.

 ‘It’s was your fault, you heard me calling but you ignored it’ Ashton’s voice spoke in Alesandra’s head.

‘You could have saved me, Alesandra, I bet you wanted me to die’ Alesandra’s eye’s welled up with tears as his voice continued; this had been going on since the night of the funeral.

‘I bet when he come’s for you he’ll kill you so slowly and painfully you’ll be begging to die by the end of it’ the voice cackled as if it was funny.

‘I bet he’ll tie you up and slowly slice you open with blade dipped in the deadliest of poisons and even the cure, but he’ll just barely keep you alive until your just clinging on to your sad life and then he’ll plunge the sharp stake he carved by hand just for you into your barely beating heart, over and over, and over again as he watches your life quickly fade away’

“Please stop” She whispered and Weston looked up from his magazine at her curiously.

‘No one will even miss you’ A piercing shattering noise filled the room.

Weston popped up as soon as he watched the silver brush she just threw collide into the wide mirror across from her.

“Alesandra!” Weston yelled worriedly over her sobs, and now screams.

Brake suddenly burst through the door at the sounds of glass shattering and screams, quickly looking at the broken mirror on the ground and the hysterical Alesandra who Weston was approaching slowly as if she would throw the butter knife on the side table from lunch at him.

Alesandra looked up as Brake stared at her in shock and worry.

Brake watched as Alesandra suddenly got up and walked hurriedly over to him, stepping on the broken shards of the mirror in the process.

“Alesandra” He gasped as she hugged him tightly.

“Make it stop” She whispered over breathy sobs and shaky lips.

He sighed and slowly picked her up bridal style to take the pressure off her now bleeding feet.

She tucked her head softly into his shoulder where she tried to calm herself down.

Brake looked over to a worried Weston and said “Get someone to clean this up” and then he and Alesandra were out the door and up the stairs at the end of the hall up to his room.

Brake sat Alesandra on his bed softly and quickly went into the bathroom to get a first aid kit.

He knows he could always call the medic but he wasn’t about to do that.

When he came back into the room Alesandra had stopped crying and was sitting up looking down at her hands tiredly.

“Wanna tell me what that was about?” Brake asked as he propped her injured feet up on a pillow.

“I feel like I’m going insane” She whispered softly, fear in her eyes.

“Why?” Brake asked curiously as he slowly pulled shards of glass with tweezers.

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