Peter losing Wendy

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Emilie P.o.V.
December 2016

When I woke up I was irritated. Where was I? It was so warm and cozy so I definitely wasn't at the orphanage.

Two of the walls were painted in white, one in light blue and the one with the windows in a darker blue.
The floor was wooden, but two rugs made sure that it wasn't to cold.
The bed I was sitting on was really big, like for two grown ups. There was a big closet in the corner of the room and on both sides of the bed were side tables, with lamps.

It was a really pretty room, probably one of the prettiest I've ever seen.
The sun light was coming through the window and white curtains.

I got up from the bed and started to walk towards the window. It was way to high so I pulled a chair that was standing in the room to the window, before climbing up and looking out.
I could see the cars going by and busy people running around.

"Emilie. What are you doing? You shouldn't climb on the chair." I heard a voice and turned around quickly.
I started to tumble. The woman started to run and catched me before I fall down.

"You could've gotten hurt." She said and now I started to remember. I had walked to the bridge and Taylor had took me home with her after calling the orphanage. Taylor had set me down and was looking at me worried.

"Why did you climb up there, sweet girl?" She had kneeled down in front of me. "I wanted to look out of the window." I said and shrugged.
"Well it's not very good to climb on chairs for such a little girl." She tickled my tummy and I started to giggle.

"Do you want to make pancakes?" Taylor asked me and I nodded. She held out her hand for me and I grabbed it.
We walked to the kitchen were Meredith was eating cat food.

"Morning Meredith." I crouched down and petted her. Taylor had started to get the things for the Pancakes.
"Do you want chocolate in your panckaes?" I remembered the sweets I had yesterday and immediately craved the feeling.

"Yes please." She nodded.
"I'll pick you up and set you down on the counter. Alright?" I nodded and Taylor picked me up.

She sat me on the counter. "I'll weigh everything we need and you'll put it in the bowl. Then we'll mix everything." I nodded and watched as Taylor weighed the ingredients.

She handed me the ingredients and I put them into the bowl.
"Alright. Let's mix everything." We used the mixer. Taylor got me a chair and set me down.

"You can mix everything. I'll hold the bowl." She said and handed me the mixer.

I started it and giggled. It was going so fast. Taylor had put one of her hands on my back and the other held the bowl.
After a while I stopped.

"I think you did a very good job sweet girl." Taylor said and handed me a small bag of chocolate chips.

"Here you can put in how much you want." I nodded eagerly and put in half of the bag.

"Can I put more?" She smiled.
"As much as you want."
I giggled and put in the rest of the chocolate.
Taylor took a spatula and mixed the chocolate some more.

"I'll bake them now. Do you wanna go and play with Mere?" I nodded and she set me down on the floor.

I ran over to the cat and started petting her. The cat meowed and I giggled.
I didn't know how long it took for Taylor to bake them, but all the time I played with Mere.

"Emilie the pancakes are ready. Let's eat." I got up and walked to the table where I climbed on the chair.
"Here you can take as much as you want."

Yeah. No. I was only going to take one.
I took one bite and smiled.
"Is it good?" I nodded, still smiling.
It took me a little while but I finished the pancake.

Her sweet girlWhere stories live. Discover now