You go to class

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Emilie P.o.V
January 2017

"Good morning Taylor." I said hugging her. She hugged me back, before picking me up. "I have a surprise for you after breakfast."

"Really?" She nodded and smiled at me before setting me down on my chair.
"I bought Cocoa puffs." "The nice chocolate ones?" "Yes. Do you want some?" I nodded and Taylor gave me a bowl with cocoa puffs with milk.

"Thank you" I said to her while I started to eat, my feet swinging back and forth.
New Years Eve was six days ago and the last days Taylor and I spent with lots of cuddling, reading and playing games.
"You're welcome." She sat down and started eating her cereals as well.

I had a glass of apple juice as always, while Taylor was drinking a tea.
Mere and Olivia were eating their breakfast before running off and laying on their back in the middle of the room, in Olivias case.

I giggled and pointed it out to Taylor who started laughing as well."This cat is weird." I nodded. We finished our breakfast and I helped her clean the table before I looked at her expectingly.
"Where's the surprise?" She laughed before picking me up. "Come on it's upstairs." She carried me upstairs and stopped in front of a door.

"You ready?" I nodded and smiled at her. She opened the door. Behind the door was a room a perfect square.

The walls were in a light yellow except for one right between the two windows, which was black. In front of one window was a wooden table with a wooden bench, in front of the other was a bean bag with funny patterns.
On out left was a bookshelf with lots of storages and filing organizers. The other shelf was smaller so I could easily reach it and it was filled with lots of books. On the wall above the bookshelf was a poster showing the U.S.
On the other walls for posters as well. Right next to the door was a calender one where you could mark the days, weather, dates, months with magnets.
Next to it a big card of the world.
And there was a garland of the letters running around the wall.

"Its so pretty." I said smiling at Taylor who was watching me closely.
"I'm glad you like it, cause we're gonna spend lots of time here.""Why?"

"Sit down baby. I'll explain everything."
I nodded and after she set me down went to the bench while she sat down in the bean bag.

"You remember that I told you I'm famous and that there a lot of people who want to take pictures of me and people that are close to me." I nodded.
"Now that I adopted you they also want pictures of you, cause you are now the person closest to me." Makes sense so I nodded again.

"This means that I can't just send you to a regular school. I'm sorry baby. I wish I could but it's not safe, especially when you're still so young and don't know how to deal with those people." I nodded feeling a bit sad cause I really wanted to go to school and learn.

"But how am I gonna get smart?" I asked her, making her smile.
"You already are smart. All you need is to be educated, but this is why we're here. I'm gonna homeschool you. This room is your classroom and I'm your teacher." I smiled.

"Really?" She nodded and smiled back. And before she could prepare herself I had thrown myself into her arms to hug her.

"You're okay with that?" I nodded excitedly. "It's amazing. I don't need to leave you to go to school." I said while cuddling myself closer into her arms.
"Alright then let's get up. We've got a lot of work ahead of us as the normal school year starts in summer and we've got winter now, but I'm sure you can manage cause you can already read and know a lot of the basics." I nodded and smiled at her. I got up and sat down waiting for to tell me with what to start.

"So we have science, math, history and geography or language arts and of course fine arts.What do you want to start with?"

"History?" "All right. This program is from bookshark and is called history in literature so basically we read about history and learn this way."I nodded and looked at her.

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