And now I love high tea

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Emilie PoV

Mommy and I had flown out to London where she would meet her fans at an event. Joe had come with us and we were staying with him as Mommys house here was used for the event and needed to be decorated and stuff. 

"I don't know Tay. Do you think she's ready for this?" I was sitting on the stairs in his house listening to Mommy and him argue about something. "I don't know either Joe, but she knows you and it'll be better than coming with me." I heard her say. What were they talking about. Maybe me? I started to swing my legs back and forth.

"Joe please. You'll be fine. She likes you and you can just stay in with her if you want, just make sure she eats and goes to bed at nine pm. If she comes with me, she'll be up way too long and it will be loud and scary with so many people and there's a chance that someone takes pictures of her, please Joe."

I heard Mommy say again, then some shuffling and murmured whispers. "Thank you so much Joe. I love you." I suddenly heard mommy say. "Emilie, baby. Can you come here please." I got up and started to run down the stairs to the kitchen. "Yeah mommy." She was standing next to Joe, who had one of his arms wrapped up around her leaning against the kitchen counter. 

"What is it Mommy?" I looked up at her and Joe while she pulled me closer to her. The two grown ups exchanged a quick glance before looking back at me. "You know how I have this event today, with lots of people who are gonna be really loud and it could be scary."

I nodded while taking a grab at the hem of her shirt and starting to play with it. "And I don't know if it's the best if you come with me, cause I think it will be a lot too long for you to stay awake and I don't think that I'll be able to take care of you the whole time. I've got a lot of things that I have to do, so Joe and I talked and I, we, think it's best if you stay with him today. If that is okay with you." I looked at Mommy and at Joe before nodding a little. "Hmm that's okay." The two smiled and mommy leaned down to give me a kiss on the hair. 

"Alright my loves, I'm gonna get ready now. You two try to figure out what to do today." She stepped out of Joe's embrace and left the room. He looked at me smiling, before leaning down a bit. 

"Well Miss Emilie, what do you wanna do today?" I shrugged looking up at his blue eyes that were so similar in color to eyes. 

"We could go on a small London Trip. Would that be alright with you?" I nodded a little bit, before I stopped. "But what about the bugmen?" He smiled a little before opening his arms to pick me up, what I let him do. 

"For one nobody really knows me or you so I doubt that anybody will come to look for us, but we can ask your mommy if it's okay with her and two, I'll be with you and make sure you are super duper safe." I nodded leaning my head against his chest, he was taller than mommy and really comfy. 

Mommy came back and smiled as she watched me and Joe, I opened my arms for her and she stepped closer towards us wrapping her arms around me and Joe. I felt her hand gently stroking my hair while Joe was drawing circles on my back. I smiled and leaned my head on his shoulder feeling calm and safe. 

"Mommy can Joe and I go to the city today? Or do you want us to stay home because of the bugmen?" She smiled at me and I could basically feel her happiness.

"I'm okay with you going out as long as you try to be careful with the paparazzi." She pressed another kiss to my forehead before letting go of me. "Go get dressed baby. I need to go soon and I think you two could drive me there." I nodded happily and Joe let me go.

I ran upstairs and pulled out a white and black striped shirt, red tights, a dark gray jeans rock and a brown leather jacket. After I got myself dressed I ran downstairs to the kitchen where mommy and Joe were waiting on me. 

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