It feels like a perfect night

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Emilie Pov: 

It was almost five pm, when mommy came downstairs. I was cuddled into Selenas side, playing with the filters on snapchat. "Look, we've got puppy ears." I giggled. "Can we save that? Please?" She nodded and saved it before sending it to mommy.

That's when I heard a phone go off, mommy was standing in the hallway. "Mommy. You look so pretty." She was wearing a long green dress with a black belt, black shoes and was carrying a black purse.

"Thank you, baby. Are you still okay with Joe and I going out?" I nodded. "Yeah. Auntie Selly and I are gonna have so much fun." Selena nodded.

"Yeah Tay. We are gonna have a girls night." I giggled as Selena tickled my side. "Okay I'm gonna go meet up with Joe now. You two have fun and call me if you need anything." I jumped up from the couch, giving her a tight hug.

"Bye mommy. Have fun. I love you." She smiled as she pressed a kiss on my forehead. "I love you too Emi." She gave Selena a quick hug, before she left the apartment. "So Miss Emilie. Any idea of what you want to do?" I shookmy head and set down again.

"Well I have an idea of what we could do. We could make some homemade lemonade and paint some Shirts afterwards."  "Yes please. Can we make pink lemonade?" She nodded and held her hand out to me. In the kitchen she searched up a recipe.

"What do you think about this? It's made with sugar, water, lemons and some grape juice." "Yes, that sounds tasty. Can we make this?" She nodded and together we pulled out all the ingredients.

"Okay, the first step is to boil two cups of water, sugar and lemon zest for five minutes. You think you can help me with the measurements?" I nodded and together we put the right amount of ingredients into the pot. "I'm gonna boil it now, you can help me stir, but be careful." For the next five minutes we boiled the water, than Selena turned the heat down.

"Now we're gonna put the rest of the water, the lemon juice and the grapefruit juice together with the sugar water mix." I read out, while Selena picked out the lemon zest and threw it away. "Alright I'm gonna get a bowl or something so we can mix it all together." I helped Selena to mix everything.

"Now it just has to cool down a bit. It will be ready after we are finished with our shirts. So let's clean this mess, before we make a new one." I helped Selena clean up, putting the squeezed lemons away, while she put the sugar back into the cupboard.

"Alrighty. You go change into something that can get dirty and I'll go get the things we need for the Shirts." I skipped back upstairs where I changed into one of my older shirts and sweatpants, before going back to the living room.

Selena had put down two white shirts one in my size, one in hers and some pens. "What's this?" I picked up a pen and held it up. "Those are fabric markers and here we have some stencils. Now let's make some shirts."

I sat down and pulled the shirt closer. "I don't know what to draw." "Maybe a star or rainbow?" Selena offered and I shook my head, I wanted something more creative.

"Maybe I can write my name and color around it or something." I mumbled and looked at the colors we had. "Sounds like a good idea. What do you think I should write?"

"Can I do your shirt? And you do mine?" I asked and she nodded. "Sure what do you wanna write?" I just smiled at her and started to write on her shirt with bluish colors. Dark blue and light blue, before I started to color over the writing. "Look, I'm almost finished." She looked up from her drawing and smiled

"I like it. It's so pretty." I smiled happily before going back to finish the shirt. Selena was almost finished when I was done. "Can I see?" I asked and she nodded.

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